In a place where there are a bazillion guns some dude got shot at

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I assume the meaning changes as the actual conservatives change.

Whats the name of that Greek boat?

ship of Theseus

The meaning of the term hasn’t changed, even in the political context. The values and priorities of the people who identify themselves with the term have.

Kind of like how they love to call their political enemies “radicals”, as if Sean Hannity or Laura Ingraham actually represent the the calm, reasonable Alex P Keaton conservatives I grew up with and could actually get along with.

The modern GOP is a basket of religious lunatics trying to dismantle the basic public health administration and spitting on the basic rules of civil and criminal law when it doesn’t suit their vision.

What’s next, pogroms of geologists and physicists? Because Trump 2025 has a very clear mission for the future and it involves replacing objectivity with faith in false idols.

They love to make Orwellian references, but I don’t think they ever read any of those books, because they are the “One grand old party” people.

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But we are describing a group of people. If that group of people change. The meaning of the word changes.

But we’re not describing the people, we’re describing the policy positions they hold. If a large group of “Christians” starts praying to Allah, denying the resurrection, and participating in the Hajj, they’re no longer Christians—Christianity has a defined doctrine and tenets.

“Libertarians” who want intrusive government control over everyone’s lives aren’t libertarians. “Communists” who are fine with private property and ownership of the means of production, aren’t communists.

These terms don’t describe demographic groups, they describe sets of ideological positions.

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I’m not a huge fan if it involves equality of outcome or laws targeting race / specific “grouping” to keep it broad.

I thank the british and the russians.

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Yeah because they totally pulled off D-Day.

From what I have read his class mates where also of the opinion that he was conservative.

Which kinda makes sense with all the other things about him being bullied and an outcast.

In the UK people that are both weirdos and liberal congregate together but a weirdo that is a conservative is kinda lost as conservatives are less tolerant to weirdos where as liberals more readily embrace them.

From what I have seen online a similar phenomenon in the US school system exists .

Apparently he also hinted at shooting up the school a year ago and implied explosives were left in the school on some anonymous chat board or something.

I think the great philosopher Chris Rock described this quite well 2 decades ago “what ever happened to crazy? you cant be crazy no more?”

“IF” there is such a things a Manchurian candidate being remote controlled by sinister actors then ill concede but until then im going to put this one down to “that guy was nuts” with quite a bit of “the LEO and SS protecting Trump were dogshit that day”

Latest chatter is that the loser chose his target based on opportunity and convenience over anything else, and would have been just as happy taking a shot at the sitting President.

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Will Smith is banned from the Oscars until 2032.

Richard Gere, talking about his 20 year ban for standing up for Tibet against the PRC during the 1993 Oscars, famously said in 2013

“It seems if you stay around long enough, they forget they’ve banned you.”

Who can’t relate to that.

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We pulled off the whole first half of that war.

And so. My thread title becomes far less sarcasm.

It’s more complicated than that. There was practically no stopping the Nazis from 1939 until 1941 went the US entered the war.

The Nazis and Fascists pretty much emptied Europe of effective military resistance after Dunkirk, the came the Blitz and the Battle of Britain which nearly ended the British Empire for good.

Other than Africa, the Middle East, naval battles and Hitler tryingnik vain to invade Russia, most of Europe was under Axis lockdown until the invasion of Normandy.

Not saying Britain didn’t stay in the fight, but let’s not forget the US finished it with a number of key objectives and battles, not the least of which was the Ardennnes and Berlin.

Now have a look where the Australian soldiers were.

I think you mean sailors and pilots.

The Australian army didn’t engage in ground combat until 1941 and by 1942 the army had moved into operations in the Pacific theater.

Either way, my original comment was directed at the claim about “thanking” Britain and Russia for being the reason why Europe’s dominant language isnt Deutsch.

America tried to sit on the side and make money off selling guns until the Japanese pulled you in.

Brittan were the ones who stood up against the rising German threat and against incredible odds.

Cracking enigma was a pretty big deal as well, not to mention radar.

Sure you guys helped in Africa and took proper issue with the Japanese, nuking the crap out of heavily civilian populated areas months after the main German threat had fallen.

It was the Russians that really broke the Germans, and they did it on home turf by themselves.

I’m not saying America didn’t contribute and play a large role, but you guys sell it like you won it, there are other countries that played far more significant roles.

It does look like the whole “MK Ultra” project was actually a legit field of research in the military. I don’t know to what degree it was a success, but i’ll admit i feel like a conspiracy theorist when i talk about those kinds of topics … same as operation paperclip.

Name one other than Germany.

Last I checked Russia still isn’t a free country and Great Britain is still an island.