Harsh dude!
The Fool only reflects the foolishness of others
Harsh dude!
The Fool only reflects the foolishness of others
You just flat out don’t know what you’re talking about.
What are we talking about?
Your sense of righteous indignation has a gravitational pull so that that all topic discussions inevitably come back to what was done to you
I’ve offered help as have others, but you declined saying you had it , but I don’t mock you over this issue, just as I wouldn’t mock any serious MA posts you make
As to your boogaloo posts, I’m still not sure if you are trolling, deluded, on the level or still playing the psyberpunk game, but either way, the things you post are so vague and lacking in substance that it is my duty to mock them
Whats your point? I’m literally talking about politics RN. I also already addressed this in this thread. You also are seriously bugging if you think you can help. The level of catastrophe is way over the top. I’m cantankerous now, because being a chill dude let people think I’m someone to play with and I’m really not.
Besides, imagine having similar hate speech pumped into your social and professional spaces by hundreds of strangers. What was done was 1000x worse than derailing a couple threads.
I’m pretty clear actually. Three sides. The right, the left and the state. In the middle you have Exoo, pitting all three against each other with a computer program. Gephi to be specific. If you watched the report I linked you too, you’ll see he’s one of the top ten Antifa in the country, by those metrics, while other metrics would list him as a defacto leader. He uses the program definitely to select right wing targets (see purple graph), and quite possibly to calculate destabilizing actions.
Prior to January 6th, Antifa had launched several attacks in the DC area. This is the action that provoked the heavily militarized response by the Patriot militia. Once they got the response they wanted, they went home. As I was saying, the goal is to spark a three way war between the right the left and the state. So by drawing the Patriot militia out, they set the stage for conflict with the state, which is exactly what ensued. As a Patriot leader, I know what instructions were given, and I was there when the riot STARTED. So I know what started the fight. If this information conflicts with what you’ve heard in the mainstream media, understand that they didn’t have access to leadership chats and meetings and are politically biased.
I can’t give you unredacted information as that would be quickly traced back to me and I could face anything from sanctions to bombings. Long story short, I have essentially a black belt in American politics, so I’m not sure on what basis you’re pressing your arguments. They all lack actual information and are instead support or rejection of various mainstream discussion points, most of which are way off base or ridiculously simplified.
And I know who the informants are because every so often they flag one my units, which makes them glow. You can also put them into gephi and see if they fit the profile.
I think part of the confusion is that you’re consuming the wrong media. The documentarians that covered this event were granted greater access and delivered more accurate coverage than the MSM, especially since they DIDN’T have access to the big names. So instead of interviewing Trump, they interviewed guys like me. Other media details the battles fought on the road to J6 from various perspectives.
I should also note that its not just Doofa who doesn’t know shit about politics. IMO everyone should meet their local politicians and work with them to get a feel for politics in general and then start talking.
Like I said I’m on the fence with regards your basis in reality, but I 100% appreciate the time you have taken to explain it to me
Don’t be. Check twitter.
I don’t do twitter
You are my only contact with the outside world
Well, if you watch the report, you’ll see that a large chunk of the information is indeed stored on twitter. So you not knowing what is and isn’t real is entirely a you thing.
That is why I ask you
Alas some of your responses are so esoteric that I am consigned to ignorance
Watch the Antifa report I linked to. Hop on twitter and confirm what he said. Then you don’t have to take my word for it. You will also understand more of American politics and what lead up to, culturally and tactically, J6. In other words, with a little research, you too can know WTF you’re talking about. Antifa also tells their side of the story on there, so you’ll have a really solid view.
You should also watch the movie I sent you the trailer to.
So I watched the vid and now I have an understanding of what the image represents
How would it compare to the graph of a criminal organisation, or a church group, for example?
Unsure. I’d have to see the actual files to see how much data they put in there. It surpasses a simple graph though due to the analytical software and depending on how they put it together. Antifa’s capabilities can be compared to an LEO organization though.
A lot of the confusion, especially on the right, is due to mistaking Antifa for street fighters or rioters. In reality, they spend more time on intelligence than on street fighting.
It’s sociocide, so, serious people should basically not take it seriously.
Or do so at their own peril.
@doofaloofa is a historical, banned-to-sociocide troll, hence his behavior here.
@Osiris understands that.
Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?
Just because you don’t take sociocidal discussion seriously it doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t
Boo to you!
Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.
So you are going to call me a troll, derail the thread the start a thread about how everyone should stop derailing threads
Judging by past behaviour
They are apparently a lot more computer/internet savvy, that is for sure. Major doxing and research ops going on all the time.
I’d say the right is highly overrated on the street fighting cred too.
The right has a severe failure of imagination when it comes to computers. Their analysts and programmers and shit were basically clueless as to how to weaponize their knowledge. So they’d go to work and do analysis on whatever, then come back to the field and act like they just can’t figure out how to track and/or evade their enemies with a computer.
Now, street wise, I’d say the right and the left are about equal.