How is your training going: An open discussion topic since I don't think we have one right now?

2 weight training sessions per week. I keep a log and try to add slightly more weight each week. I also do a Tabata after each.

Workout 1
5x5 Squat
3x5 rows
3x5 shoulder raises

Workout 2
5x5 Deadlift
5x5 Bench press

It’s going about as well as it possibly could. My physio doesn’t want to see me any more unless something goes sideways.

Currently doing Bulgarian split squats, single leg chair squats, dumbbell front squats and barbell deads. I was doing deads on 6” platforms but recently switched to off the floor (with less weight) as my ROM got better.

Really good. The show sold out with about 800 people. We has about 7 or 8 of our guys fight and a few wins and no injuries.

We also had a couple of exhibitions for the 12 week program guys who all enjoyed the experience.

Coach used the money to buy the shed he was renting for a gym.

And now I don’t have to angry spar twenty year olds for a bit.

One of the gyms that competed is trying to organise to come up and do a training/D&D weekend.

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For what it is worth, I have been practicing Judo for the past 15 years on two artificial hips (full replacements).
As you know, everybody is different.
Different prosthetic hip devices are different.
If you do decide to practice, it’s worth it to explain to your partners that some of your biggest concerns would be things like Uchi mata, or a wrassler hitting a single leg with a high amplitude finish.
I myself have not had real issues with those things being done to me (after my initial year recovering).
But, I have heard others have had dislocations.
And, only you and your ortho know if your femoral shaft, or pelvis should be subjected to non-gentle fall trauma.
So, better safe than sorry.
That being said, as you know, just practicing de-ashi-barai can provide a lifetime of practice.
So, I hope you get your money’s worth out of you new hips, I have.
And, I hope that you are no longer in pain.

Here we go. Local news article. Some cool photos.

Are you in that Greg?

No. Just helping out.

I am tempted to do a Masters next year for my 50th.

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It is a friend of mines project in the Sunshine coast.

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I thought my training wasnt going that well but im still doing kettlebells and running up septs 2/3 times a week and grappling once a month.

I took some windows to a friend i havent seen in many years and lifted one from my truck into his house.

He followed me shortly after and said I must have next level strength because he tried to move the other one in my truck and could not even slide it off the back but it was only 38kg.

The kettlebell I use for swings is 48kg and I have just ordered a 56kg as ive got used to it now for swings and single arm dead lifts.

In all honesty I felt like a beast after that even though many i train with are far stronger it was a stark reminder that compared to the untrained at 46 and obese im still formidable.


Creating a new MMA program based on 12 different arts.

Benching 400lbs.

Can hold my breath for 6 minutes.

Can stand on one toe for 20.

Taught myself piano over COVID.

Someone give me a new fucking challenge before I pick up chimp wrestling.

You are insane.

You know how you get to Carnegie Hall, don’t ya?

The front door.

Can you guess which 12 arts.

I’ll give you one: Lethwei.

Rabbit, nothing in your training history indicates this ability.


I’m more MMA than you and Billy Bob combined.

And can clearly take more damage without crying.

Um, no you aren’t.

And again, not crying. I’m trying to talk a community down, appealing to their sense of ethics, because we both know the alternative. They want no part of the rabbit waffen, which statistically, will kill a fuck ton of people. Which you’re aware of. Your error is assuming its 100% effective.

Lethwei is pretty effective.

You still have 11 to go.

4 month update - missed out on getting my brown belt at last grading, was a bit pissed off, not because I wanted the belt, but because I’d asked coach a few months earlier if there was anything I needed to work on specifically and he said no, then on the day said, “you need to work on your bottom game”.

I’m over it now. Kinda.

It had me re-evaluate my training for a number of reasons, mostly that I was training double and triple what most people would put into a week and seemed to be being told that I wasn’t progressing. Plus the amount of niggling fucking injuries and pains made me realise I needed to do more for my body if I was to continue doing BJJ in the long haul.

So I’ve put Kettlebells back in the mix, with a heap of mobility and flexibility training too. Dropped back to 4 sessions of BJJ per week from upwards of 6 and can feel things getting better again.

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Welcome to Martial Arts: the Middle Ages.

I have done so much goddamn gripping on people over the last 20 years, both of my elbows flip a coin each morning: “golf or tennis”?

Elbows and knees, take care of them.

Quitting alcohol has done you well, considering that schedule.