How is your training going: An open discussion topic since I don't think we have one right now?

I foresee that day coming for me sooner rather than later.

Stop before you lose mobility, etc.


I am sometimes of the mind that a lot of the more BS-like arts that go high of abstract concepts and minimal actual physical application, are actually the result of the teachers getting too old and injures to do the real stuff and end up limiting the art just as they are limited, and saying that it does not matter, since they are on “higher level Stuff” now when they just don’t want to accept they can’t kick or punch worth a damn anymore.
I began to think of this even before I joined this community or even participated in MMA, when a kata as revised regularly by higher ups internationally would suddenly remove a kick and did just have a brisk step instead. I would wonder if the bigwig teacher just could no longer do even a basic front kick or sumthin.
And IMO kata is already a performtive downgrading of the training. So to have kata degraded thus is quite telling.

I should have done that before f-ing-up my hip and ankle.

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Peaks and troughs.

We have a set of steps going up the side of the cliffs on the seafront near we’re I live so I run up them at least 10 times 3 times a week and do some kettlebell exercises at the bottom.
I do twice with a friend and once with my son.

I grapple about 2-3 times a month and recently started having a little spar again from time to time but nothing crazy .

I really struggle to train in the evenings now as my sons are at the fun stage so missing out on all their stuff in the evening makes it very unlikely I go so I just make time during my work day and go .

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Ready and capable, but black and not Brazilian. So even though my inspirations were my father, unknown tv ninjas from the 80s, power rangers, tekken, jet li and Jackie chan, I somehow am barred by the least inspirational gracie, as I am somehow responsible for subsidizing his failure as a grappler and as a human being.

Could you ever, really, though? I’m pretty sure the jury is still out there, somewhere.

Moderate levels of success, nothing spectacular.

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Hope your sons are doing well.

My oldest is now at college learning why coding sucks, my youngest is obsessed with boxing and weights, so I’ve been beating him regularly.

I finally learned and mastered the southern Shaolin Iron Wire (basically a slow dynamic tension calisthenic routine), one of the most famous Kung Fu forms, a bucket list item I decided on after seeing Kung Fu Panda and The 36th Chamber of Shaolin back around 2009.

Also part of the reason I joined Bullshido in 2010. Kung Fu rules.

The other part was getting to shit on ninjas, which is getting hard to do. So many believers in bullshit these days, flat earth, vaccine microchips, trans overlords…ninjas next door is not that shocking anymore.

Boys are fine, thanks. One in 2nd semester of college, the other about to graduate HS.

Butthole yoinked my shoulder out of place at open mat this weekend doing something stupid.

I am that butthole.

I do me a bad ass combat style called Wing Chun. A little extra chain punch accuracy can be a dangerous thing.

I starting doing Tabatas after my lifting workouts. I think it’s helped my cardio some.

Fucking killing it. I currently own my own gym, which I bought with my business partner a couple of months into the pandemic, “the only way was up”. At the time I was working “covid hours” at my full time job, ie about 3 days per week, so thought it would be a good side hustle in the meantime, and that it was something I had in my 10 year plan anyway, so what better time than now?

It’s been a chronic couple of years, but I am loving it. The gym is building but I bought into a franchise that, like all franchises, doesn’t support the franchisees as much as they should. In saying that, the last two months we had the best ever revenue months ever, so hopefully if we continue to grow we can get to a point where I can view my full time job as a part time job and my passion become my full time job.

I teach most of the morning sessions, which is mainly fundamentals - started these 2.5 years ago with myself rocking up at 6am Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and now am regularly getting 6-10 people in 6 days a week. “Build it and they will come”.

I consider myself a “beginner coach”, being a purple 3 stripe, I kinda have a decent grasp of the material from my perspective but it’s been a learning curve taking that understanding and packaging it for someone who doesn’t have my experience. It’s been awesome to see the growth of my students, but even more so the deepening of my own understanding. “Those who can’t learn, teach, and those who can’t teach, teach P.E.”

I do try and get in to the evening classes, which are run by a couple of black belts. Mostly I just get to open mats on the weekends.

Recently just finished the 3144 Pushups in 21 Days Challenge - rehabbed my shoulder because last year in October I broke my metacarpal. I’d love to say “you should have seen the other guy” but it was a solo mobility drill that resulted in my carcass falling over my own hand.

I wasn’t able to do pushups during this time, or a swathe of shoulder strengthening activity so my first roll back with an enormous black belt after 8 weeks of no rolling resulted in a shoulder tear that caused persistent pain for 5 months, until the challenge.

During the “time off” from rolling I ended up becoming a certified Kettlebell instructor - it was a little difficult but I pulled it off by using a weightlifting powerhook, something I wouldn’t be seen dead wearing otherwise. Instead of wallowing in self pity, or using the injury as an excuse, it actually shifted me into gear in a number of ways, including drastically improving my hip mobility and improving my theoretical knowledge of BJJ much quicker than in the past.

After the challenge, I’ve just been focussed on maintaining a baseline of pushups per day of 50 and have been adding in daily Kettlebell complexes/sequences. I’ve been very careful to keep it all fairly minimal, looking at it from the perspective of wanting to incrementally improve myself through habit formation rather than smash for a few months.

So essentially looking to keep improving.


Just poking my head in the door. Had a full hip replacement last November so I’m done with judo I think. Not advised to take hard falls or have my hips stretched unexpectedly. Still training kendo, going to take a shot at 7th dan in November.

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I hope the post surgery recovery is going well.

My training is not great at the moment. Age is catching up with me hard. Everyone feels very heavy and I feel like I’m swimming in wet concrete even on the best of days.

We just finished a 12 week camp and a fight show.

how did it go?

what’re you doing strength wise?