How do YOU handle cockblocks?

[QUOTE=itwasntme;2847566]I take it English is not a primary language for her. That must make for some interesting dirty talk.[/QUOTE]

I’m sure Hadzu will chime in here, but until you’ve made it with a Finnish chick, well, you haven’t heard hair raising erotic sounds…

[QUOTE=ghost55;2847562]Heh. The person that did it Friday is actually a friend of mine, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t still pretty annoyed with him. I’m generally one of the more attractive people in any given group, but me being rather short and having a personality akin to a porcupine on meth do a great job of sabotaging me. In the end it doesn’t really matter all that much because I have a friends with benefits type agreement with an exchange student from Hong Kong, but it can be a bit aggravating.[/QUOTE]

Porcupine on meth ? Maybe less coffee when you go out ? LOL !

Some friend is all I can say on that…

[QUOTE=BKR;2847573]Porcupine on meth ? Maybe less coffee when you go out ? LOL !
Yeah. In his defense he was pretty drunk at that point, but still. I don’t drink anything with caffeine after 2pm. I’m just excitable and grumpy at the same time.

[QUOTE=ghost55;2847574][QUOTE=BKR;2847573]Porcupine on meth ? Maybe less coffee when you go out ? LOL !
Yeah. In his defense he was pretty drunk at that point, but still. I don’t drink anything with caffeine after 2pm. I’m just excitable and grumpy at the same time.[/QUOTE]

Yes, you seem to be a rather complex character.


Yes, you seem to be a rather complex character.[/QUOTE]

We all are if you think about it.

[QUOTE=ghost55;2847578]We all are if you think about it.[/QUOTE]

It’s possible to over-think anything. I would know.

I try to be as simple as possible. I used to wear “complexity” like some sort of suit of armor, an ego shield from the reality of myself.

Not saying that’s you, but that is how I see it for myself now.

[QUOTE=ghost55;2847567]Her English is actually pretty good, but yeah, there are moments of mistranslated hilarity here and there.[/QUOTE]

Please don’t ruin my fantasy of the two of you getting it on with broken German as your only means of communication.

[QUOTE=BKR;2847572]I’m sure Hadzu will chime in here, but until you’ve made it with a Finnish chick, well, you haven’t heard hair raising erotic sounds…[/QUOTE]

I’ve never had any Finnish cuisine :frowning:

[QUOTE=BKR;2847724]It’s possible to over-think anything. I would know.

I try to be as simple as possible. I used to wear “complexity” like some sort of suit of armor, an ego shield from the reality of myself.

Not saying that’s you, but that is how I see it for myself now.[/QUOTE]

Maybe you’re right. The easiest way to describe my personality is probably Archer with less alcoholism and more cynicism.

I’ve never had any Finnish cuisine :([/QUOTE]

My sample of one was delicous…

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing…only I will remain

You just need to ask them to leave, that’s how it works. If they are with the girl, say in their face that man chill.

Just elbow them aside.

Just tell the girl that he was flirting with her best friend ;p

In my opinion, I love hanging out with good lucking and clever people. It increases my game!

Also, I just came back from Scandinavia not too long ago… the women there were amazing!!

How to handle cock blockers? Just find some other chick whose husband pays less attention to her daily activities.

by getting over it and finding someone else to talk to

sniffs Im so lonely

[QUOTE=Kovacs;2831979]I urinate on her leg. It send the message to him that she’s taken and to her that, you know, if she’s into that kind of thing, it’s cool, it’s cool…[/QUOTE]

LMAO that actually happened once…not intentional, but good thing it wasn’t on my current girl

distract him with something interesting and then pull the girl to another way, always work :slight_smile:

Just look her in the eye and say, in a loud mock-horror stage whisper “I THINK THIS GUY IS TRYING TO PREVENT ME FROM SEDUCING YOU”, look directly at him and then back at her, and give her the cheesiest wink you can muster.

It makes him look ridiculous, it makes you look ridiculously self-assured, and it implies both interest and willingness to accept rejection.

There’s literally nothing the cockblocker can do in this situation to dig himself out of the hole you put him in.

How do YOU handle cockblocks

I handle my combined roll as my entire roll. As long as you can make sure you can arrange transfers across sites it shouldnt be a problem too much.