How do YOU handle cockblocks?

You’re at the library, the bar, the park, a shopping center…

Talking to a attractive woman. As chemicals start to grow and the number is coming to you then BOOM! Mr. Cockblock comes along and you can smell sexual frustration from a mile away, yikes!

Sometimes they keep trying to interrupt you, sometimes they act super alpha and annoying. The list goes on…!

Me personally I do my best to just literally act like they are not there. It has worked wonders and at times it has not, lol.

What do you guys/ladies do in such situations?


I would whisper to her “Oh my God, this is the guy who has been stalking me and can’t accept it that I’m not bi-curious; let’s get out of here and make sure he doesn’t follow us”.

I think the real questions here are, A) why did Mr. Cock block walk an entire mile just to throw salt on your game and, B) why are you wasting time sniffing out his sexual frustration when you should be busy sealing the deal?

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[QUOTE=itwasntme;2831949] B) why are you wasting time sniffing out his sexual frustration when you should be busy sealing the deal?

Sent from my SM-G900V using Bullshido - No BS MMA mobile app[/QUOTE]

Sexual frustration enjoys company

[QUOTE=big maclol;2831955]Sexual frustration enjoys company[/QUOTE]


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…have to be to be careful with this thread…on my ‘tab’ bar it reads ‘How do YOU handle cock’…

I sob quietly.

[QUOTE=jnp;2831960]I sob quietly.[/QUOTE]


Just looked over at early fifties still a looker wife. Suggest you do same with your, albeit younger, model. You’ll feel better.

I would handle it the same way I destroy all my enemies - by being way smarter than them and humiliating them like Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting.

I urinate on her leg. It send the message to him that she’s taken and to her that, you know, if she’s into that kind of thing, it’s cool, it’s cool…


Just looked over at early fifties still a looker wife. Suggest you do same with your, albeit younger, model. You’ll feel better.[/QUOTE]
Geez, a guy can’t even make a flippant statement around here anymore. I haven’t been c-blocked in over 22 years because that’s how long I’ve been with the missus

However, I have watched in amusement as she shreds the egos of the guys who choose to hit on her.

“How do you handle cockblocks?”

Pipe cleaner.

I remove my glove, slap him through the face with it and inform him that his seconds can contact my seconds to arrange a duel.

if you’re holding the lady’s interest successfully, ignoring them is pretty much the way

if not, cockblock might be helping this girl out

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I’m normally the cockblocker, not the cockblock-ee. When it does ha[[en to me, I do nothing but slowly plan my revenge and unleash my own epic cockblock at some point in the indeterminate future.

[QUOTE=ghost55;2832032]I’m normally the cockblocker, not the cockblock-ee. [/QUOTE]

I hope you’re joking. Only beta bitches are cockblockers.

hammerfist to the groin

I just have my wife pick up chicks for me.

I’m not over this ghost55 thing yet. What kind of buddyfucker admits to being a cockblocker? Fucking worst wingman ever, I guess.

Shaming cockblockers is one of the top 5 missions of bullshido. Or it should be. Or something. Fucking asshole.