How do YOU handle cockblocks?

[QUOTE=Devil;2832048]I’m not over this ghost55 thing yet. What kind of buddyfucker admits to being a cockblocker? Fucking worst wingman ever, I guess.

Shaming cockblockers is one of the top 5 missions of bullshido. Or it should be. Or something. Fucking asshole.[/QUOTE]
Relax dude. You’re taking this shit waaaay to seriously.

[QUOTE=ghost55;2832058]Relax dude. You’re taking this shit waaaay to seriously.[/QUOTE]

If you can’t have that poon, nobody’s gonna’ have it. Amirite?

[QUOTE=Devil;2832061]If you can’t have that poon, nobody’s gonna’ have it. Amirite?[/QUOTE]
I admit to nothing.

I was going to title the thread “cock blocks” instead of “cockblock” till I realized cockblock is an actual term for said person blocking the cock.

I remain optimistic that hes cockblocking me and not the girl.Unless hes like,real cute,but we all know that wont be the case.

Nobody posted this yet?


[QUOTE=big maclol;2832076]I was going to title the thread “cock blocks” instead of “cockblock” till I realized cockblock is an actual term for said person blocking the cock.[/QUOTE]

A cock block is something German businessmen lay their junk upon before they pay fat chicks to stamp on it.

[QUOTE=Rene “Zendokan” Gysenbergs;2832383]Nobody posted this yet?


This video must not go viral by any means (Also will be good for the lols if your pal deserves it)

Be so awesome that the cockblocker fails epically. The only person to cockblock me is myself and it took me many years to figure this out.

When I go for the cock, no force on Earth can block me.

This thread needs MOAR cockblock stories and techniques to stop the cockblock!

[QUOTE=ghost55;2832058]Relax dude. You’re taking this shit waaaay to seriously.[/QUOTE]
You think this is a fucking game?

I just whip it right out and clear my throat. If do correct, no can defense.

[QUOTE=big maclol;2847468]This thread needs MOAR cockblock stories and techniques to stop the cockblock![/QUOTE]

Don’t hang out with guys who are better looking and or more charming than you. If you are out and about, make sure your male friend(s) are all obviously less well dressed than you, and more socially inept, and look less financially well off.

You will have to work on your own approach and appearance, though.

That usually fixes the problem, or at least opens things up for you, in my experience, and I’m being serious…

[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;2847484]You think this is a fucking game?

I just whip it right out and clear my throat. If do correct, no can defense.[/QUOTE]

What, your wallet ?

[QUOTE=BKR;2847513]Don’t hang out with guys who are better looking and or more charming than you. If you are out and about, make sure your male friend(s) are all obviously less well dressed than you, and more socially inept, and look less financially well off.

You will have to work on your own approach and appearance, though.

That usually fixes the problem, or at least opens things up for you, in my experience, and I’m being serious…[/QUOTE]

Sometimes the uglier dudes will get drunk and miserable and cockblock you out of spite. They won’t get laid either mind you, they will go in with a “sink our own ship to kill the captain” mindset. I may have been on the receiving end of this last Friday…

[QUOTE=ghost55;2847559]Sometimes the uglier dudes will get drunk and miserable and cockblock you out of spite. They won’t get laid either mind you, they will go in with a “sink our own ship to kill the captain” mindset. I may have been on the receiving end of this last Friday…[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I’ve seen that, had a (stranger to me) who saw me with a woman he wanted…he came up and sat down and started talking to us as if he were invited.

Funnily, she threw a shot of whisky in his face and told him to shut the fuck up and leave ! At that point I thought I was going to have to fight, but he just stomped off an left. She also wanted to go and slash the tires on his classic Cadillac convertible parked out front (this was 20+ year ago, BTW, in New Orleans). I declined…

Cockblock was successful though. Too bad too, she was a hot yoga-type cougar…

Anyway, the guy (cockblocker) was middle aged, ugly, and overweight.

I had to quit going out with my best friend in grad school for me to have any hope with the ladies. He was better looking, and quite charming and nice on top of that. Literally, we’d be sitting at a table with 3-5 good looking women, and they would ALL be talking to him, or at least looking at him.

Being a short,young looking red head with freckles was not fun at those times.

[QUOTE=ghost55;2847559]Sometimes the uglier dudes will get drunk and miserable and cockblock you out of spite. They won’t get laid either mind you, they will go in with a “sink our own ship to kill the captain” mindset. I may have been on the receiving end of this last Friday…[/QUOTE]

Oh, and if they aren’t your friends, no wonder. The guy I wrote of in the last post (my friend) wasn’t trying to cockblock me at all, it was just a natural progression of events. To his credit, he was incredibly picky about who he ended up with. We even talked about the whole cockblock thing, bless his heart…he’d introduce me to chicks and they’d ignore me, although partly that was my lack of experience.

He had one incredibly hot jewish dancer chick (I mean dance school at university, performer-type) who literally would have married him and had his children if he had crooked his finger at him, but she had somehow in the past totally put him down when… to his credit, he would barely talk to her out of distrust, even though he could have just used her as semen receptacle and tossed her away out of spite.

Later on, as I got more confidence and experience, and looked a bit older (at 23 I looked 17, LOL), it wasn’t an issue. Goddamned freckles…

Heh. The person that did it Friday is actually a friend of mine, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t still pretty annoyed with him. I’m generally one of the more attractive people in any given group, but me being rather short and having a personality akin to a porcupine on meth do a great job of sabotaging me. In the end it doesn’t really matter all that much because I have a friends with benefits type agreement with an exchange student from Hong Kong, but it can be a bit aggravating.

[QUOTE=ghost55;2847562]In the end it doesn’t really matter all that much because I have a friends with benefits type agreement with an exchange student from Hong Kong, but it can be a bit aggravating.[/QUOTE]

I take it English is not a primary language for her. That must make for some interesting dirty talk.

[QUOTE=itwasntme;2847566]I take it English is not a primary language for her. That must make for some interesting dirty talk.[/QUOTE]

Her English is actually pretty good, but yeah, there are moments of mistranslated hilarity here and there.