How do kick in their a@$ Are you Asian? Plus other chun stupidity.

Remember when in class, teacher is like “turn with the flow of the punch / hook AND catch”… ?
In actuality… … Doesn’t work.

Yea, My Sifu actually told me off for being a soft once, got me to actually block a punch and it came in and smacked me in the face… That was a good 4-5 months ago and a great wake up if you know what I mean.

Mooving on…

I clicked on the link, that school looks cool :)[/quote]

I’m going to assume you’re being funny, because you posted earlier that it was your school. If this is the case, ha… ha?

Anyway, would you be willing to spar with another Aussie bully? I’m sure we could find one that would be willing to box you for a bit, so you can see how well your defense works.

Aussie bullies, anyone out there?

@Conde Koma

I was referring to the RDU Wing Chun School…

I frequently spar with boxers, thats really the only way to know if your stuff is gonna work or not. Don’t take me for a wussy -unner who is scared of taking a punch and thinks that ground fighting is rubbish(Remind me to start BJJ some time). I’m not saying Wing Chun is the best or any of that, I’m saying that as a system, its gonna give you some striking foundation to stand on. Like boxing, its not boxing that throws the punch is it, its the individual. Thats why we have MMA…

wing chun never block an attack, they intercept it. There are so many Fake wing chun practitioner there, but the actual is Wing chun is real.

intercept, block, same thing. It depends on what your trying to do with it. Lets say you flick out a bil sao, and you stop a round. But you don’t do anything afterwards, really you’ve just blocked it. Now a chunner will preferbly stop it somewhere along the forearm where you don’t take the brunt of the force, but that doesn’t happen 100% does it now.

wing chun cannot be used with gloves or rule, why ? simple, wing chun is design for ordinary people / weak people, that don’t do 24 hours training a day & 7 days a week high intensity training. Wingchun attack most to restrick area example: groin, eye throat, why ? because they launched the strike from elbow, so it’s not pack enough power . Why launch from elbow ? well it’s secret.

in other words Wing chun is a simple concept of SELF-DEFENCE, againt untrainned BAD-ASS you meet in street.

to an extent that is true tataksarella, but were talking about a situation in which we are using gloves and rules

so Wing chun will lose. :slight_smile:

Uhh… no…

Quick question, do you stand with both feet in one line or do you stand 50/50


|- like Wing Tsun


// similiar to TWC

QTF. Chun fails against boxing in every way.

Quick question for the two newbie Chunners we’ve got here.

Do your respective Chuns look more like this,
YouTube- Bullshido: Wing Chun Sucks

or this?
YouTube- Wing Chun full contact (Wing Tsun Kong Sau)

The first video looks like alot of stiff people trying to do a 70s dance and basing it off Wing Chun, 2nd people looks like stiff people trying to fight. Since when does Wing Chun teach you ground fighting!?

Since a few sifus decided to apply Wing Chun Concepts™ to groundfighting?

When the Sifu wises up to anti-grapple being bullshit. Have you got any vidoes of what your idea of the Chun is?

I suppose that the anti-grapple is better than all that ‘my scientific geometric fighting style means that I can never be taken down’ (or whatever his theory is).

I think it’s the same thing unfortunately. I was trained all kinds of bullshit methods of ‘anti-grapple’ when I Chunned and most of it was theory. All of it was useless.

anti-grapple for me is run or kick em before he can grab you, if he does and your on the ground… Good luck… Chun won’t help much…

A few post back kovacs and there are some links and vids of my Sigung and the school I train at.

Since when did _ing _un teach you how to fight is the real question .