How come I do Wing Chun and I can block hooks from boxers perfectly fine…
[quote=SwordSaintSSX;2307708]How come I do Wing Chun and I can block hooks from boxers perfectly fine…
Do you throw hands with shitty boxers ?
You seriously just might need to change your boxers .
Lol Backfishmonkey No I can fight boxers fine, you gotta learn to be quick though.
what started all this hating on Chunners anyways, was it because of someone going and saying Chun can beat every other stlye on the planet or what?
[quote=SwordSaintSSX;2307711]Lol Backfishmonkey No I can fight boxers fine, you gotta learn to be quick though.
what started all this hating on Chunners anyways, was it because of someone going and saying Chun can beat every other stlye on the planet or what?[/quote]
How do you deal with hooks thrown properly ? … besides being quick .
How did you learn to do it ?
Depends on throwing the hook, reactionary I just flick out a bil sao and back off, My friends are to fast for me too go larp sao punch. Have to take them down with kicking…
How bout you good sir
Btw, My question from earlier, who started all this hating on -in -un
ever since it started sucking
So could I have been learning from a non-sucky teacher?
could be… could be… but then you would be xth chunner claiming that.
holy shit WTF ?
I googled it … and well sure ok .
like this ?
My friends are to fast for me too go larp sao punch. Have to take them down with kicking…
larp sao ?
I don’t see that one but it I am thinking it was the half step over and front kick thing right ?
How bout you good sir
I usually get hit a little, wash my hair, answer the phone, clinch or get the fuck the fuck out in a safe direction .
If we are talking fantasy realm shit here it is going to have to be block with a right arm block4 then slide from horse stance to left fighting and exhale slowly as I execute kick5 targeting the nerve cluster in the arm pit with my big toe .
Btw, My question from earlier, who started all this hating on -in -un
Your moma .
I sense a Gong Sau coming on…
What they all claim that!, Good heavens…
Do any of the guys participate in amaetuer tournaments to even see if their stuff works?, or spar for fun?
[quote=SwordSaintSSX;2307740]What they all claim that!, Good heavens…
Do any of the guys participate in amaetuer tournaments to even see if their stuff works?, or spar for fun?[/quote]
A whole lot say they do but then answer simple questions with some crazy shit like knife hand chops and catching punches .
Most don’t, although there are some who do. I don’t think any of them have been very successful, but most will attribute it to “Oh, I’m just not very good yet…”
What part of the world are you posting from? I’m sure we can find someone close to you.
No, Bil Sao is just thrusting your arm out, its just a redirection of the hook, sorta like a block I guess. My goal at the time is not to get hit, getting hit hurts…
Larp Sao punch, lets say he throws a right hook, I flick out my hand and block/grab his hook while at the same time punch with my left, though since he’s a boxer his just gonna retract and throw a left jab/king hit. I’m not fast enough to deal with that situation yet :\
@ Conde Koma.
One of the students did really well in a Kick boxing tourney, we managed to take first at an All Styles amatuer championship one year, check out the forums section
Aye, the cry of ‘…but our Chunners are different!’ is a common one. Usually it turns out that they’re not, really.
Same old slappy hands, same old compliant drills, same old ‘we don’t spar/we don’t spar full contact because we’re training for reality, not sport’, same old ‘we don’t believe in learning how to grapple because we have powerful anti-grapple techniques’, etc.
There is one Chun guy who signed up recently who seems to be well-respected by other people on here who live in the same area for not being like this, FWIW.
No, Bil Sao is just thrusting your arm out, its just a redirection of the hook, sorta like a block I guess. My goal at the time is not to get hit, getting hit hurts…[/quote]
You will get hit . End of story .
The only person I have ever landed a standing wristlock on … was a chunner .
Larp Sao punch, lets say he throws a right hook, I flick out my hand and block/grab his hook while at the same time punch with my left, though since he’s a boxer his just gonna retract and throw a left jab/king hit. I’m not fast enough to deal with that situation yet :\
It may not be a speed issue … it may be an issue of methodology and lack of experience .
You got your own link wrong dude…
Guh, this site is a nightmare to navigate. Anyway, here are some pertinent links:
Since he suggested it:
Okay, so aside from it being called “Shaolin” Wing Chun, this was the first fight vid I could find.
YouTube- Wing Chun Shaolin Jee Shin in Combat
Red Gloved White Guy is the WC fighter, although you wouldn’t be able to tell from the fight because it looks nothing like Wing Chun. The sifu explains:
Can you really call it Wing Chun if it looks, walks, and acts like Muay Thai? Furthermore, if you’re not gonna use Wing Chun in a fight because it doesn’t work, what’s the point of training Wing Chun in the first place? Just go learn Muay Thai.
Edit: and here’s the hook defense our friend was talking about:
YouTube- wing chun kunf fu beginner techniques
I guess it works against telegraphed, slow, and compliant haymakers?
I have seen so many Failed of Bong Sao / Tan Sao blocking against the HOOK, myself included during my wc wonder years. Against a determine fighter (boxer or whatever), in the ring etc etc etc, he’ll usually hit you. You can do the whole simultaneous “tan/bong & punch” atthesametime and even if you hit him, he’ll send your head rocking back. Doesn’t matter. It’s not fun.
The demonstartion video is for beginners who just started, don’t expect a beginner to leap into Chi Sao :P.
I was chatting aobut a proper round, from a proper Boxer, being blocked by a Bil Sao, a thrusting arm, then backing off to get some distance between me and his fist.
Mooving on…
I clicked on the link, that school looks cool
Good point hit and run, thats why I don’t use Simu against Boxers. Simu puts you away from the blind side and into the central-line. Not fun…
Why are you blocking a hook with a bong anyways… that makes no sense.