How do dump girl?

here is the story, from my last thread, what does a kiss from a stranger mean? i am still with the same girl. however i do not feel that i want her anymore =( but on the other side, because of my abusive and tyrannic mother i was always weak with girls(cant refuse almost any their requests, i cant get myself to leave them if they insist i stay, and most importantly of all i cant seem to get myself to dump girls)

any good ways to dump my current gf?

edit:without me being a jerk please

Tell her you like her as a friend. Tell her it’s not her, it’s you. Then stop being around her. Haven’t YOU ever been dumped before?

Motherfucking hell, I am loving this shit. The LLL forum has become some kind of cheesy reality show on the web. Holy crap, the internet is evolving, and it’s spiralling out of control.

Anyway, trupwrz, what happened? Was the sex not good?

Op the answer is so simple. Kill your fucking mother. The result will be you fealing avenged from years of abuse. That and the prison time will let you work through your issues and most likelly get your girlfriend to dump YOU! Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

I should be charging a fee for this wisdom.

Tell her you are friends with the Question.

Truepwrz, do you recall that last thread when motherfuckers kept saying “stop thinking and jump straing into that pussy”, and I said “you all need to back the fuck off pwrz. I mean, pwrz, do you even like this girl?”.

So pwrz, do you even like this girl? Did you ever like this girl? Why do you feel that you don’t want her anymore? What the fuck is going on?

I advise against making rash decisions. You don’t want to be regretting more shit.

Better yet, show her the video of us hanging and cruisin’ at the last throwdown.

i am not sure if i have the guts to actually say that… most of the time when i dont want a girl my sister helps me out and tells them for me that i am dating that sister.

question, actually she is too sex craving(i am not a big fan of sex)i use to like her in middle of our relation because she treats me really nice and gentle but now i get the same treatment from new girls i know, i think its just that i am getting bored

Qchan help me out this time, you say most of the people on BS are all about sex and now you get at them (me included) because they show their cotton candy inside?
PS: I thought I read somewhere that you left the US, what is up with that?

Tell her that her panoocha looks like the mighty sarlacc. This may work if she’s a geekfan of Star Wars.

that will solve all future potential female problems by removing the temptation they might have.

hope you two enjoy the New Kids on the Block reunion tour.

What the fuck are you talking about? I mean what the hell does that even mean?

PS: I thought I read somewhere that you left the US, what is up with that?

Yeah, left a while ago. I’m in Jamaica now.

I thought you where a gradstudent so how come you are Jamaica now?

Sleep with her friends. In the slim chance that doesn’t piss her off work a three some out of it then dump her.

I’m a student in Jamaica. PM me if you have anymore inquiries.

well part of the reason why she looks so pretty is because her friends look kinda ugly(well i am a picky guy)

good advice tho, i am still considering how to dump her without the help of my sister(she refuses to help me)

can you please stop calling your female friends your sisters and then talking about fucking them

this isnt backroad mississippi

I would suggest coming right out and telling her that the relationship is not working. I don’t know how much of an explanation is necessary. Just be honest and tell her what you feel.

Truepwrz, getting advice from me on this sort of thing is just goddamn scary and fucked up. Follow your gut instinct on this.

You post should read:

Truepwrz, getting advice from any of these fucked up, bitch ass motherfuckers who continue to fail in their own lives is just goddamn scary and fucked up. Follow your gut instinct on this. Alternatively, you could follow The Q’s advice, that motherfucker lays it down proper.

errrrr wrong.

Tell her it’s not you it’s her and that she’s a needy and clingy and the sex is bad.

That’s the ticket:bully: