Hitting Story Hour

The guy from Colorado City, yeah.

Oh, it’s out there, the whole library/grooming thing. There are written materials, seminars, etc., on “confrontational politics”.

I posted references somewhere… not this thread though.

But I know, “nothing here to see, folks, move on”

Legally marrying is how I took that, given the controversy discussed before regarding marriage of minors in Idaho.

You’ve slept since then, though, I’m sure.

Yeah, I went and looked at it. WOW

I don’t think there’s nothing to see, I am just highly skeptical of claims of responsibility.


Just like there’s no shadowy high commission of pro trans libtards organising child genital mutilation

Shadowy cryptopoliticians who shall go unnamed.

I think key right wing figures all pushing it at the same time across various forms of media did help the spread of the meme.

Yeah, there isn’t. There are just people who know they have the same interests and are working towards those interests. And one of them is ritual mutilation of children.

Yeah, spreading a meme is spreading a meme. That’s how memes work. Unless you’re in the same chain of command as Tucker Carlson then you’re overestimating the reach of your specific movement.

I didn’t think you thought that. It’s the attitude taken by MSM, though.

I don’t know about the mutilation part, however, the rest of it’s out in the open.

This is one of the major reasons The Cathedral is insidious: everyone is seemingly acting independently so when you point out what they are doing some overly incredulous libtard can act like nothing is happening or something is isolated because there is no explicit Transing The Children Agency in the executive branch. They can, as the libs say, gaslight you.

Gaslighting is so pervasive today I pretty much take it for granted as a process in play. Thanks to the Interwebz, it’s both easier to do and easier to spot.

The Cathedral thing is a useful… way of looking at things, for sure.

Tucker Carlson? Yeah, we’re in there too.

Anyways, shit went down. Basically there were spies everywhere. Made for good tv.

So you’re on the same listserv?

So you’re saying Jews and Muslims and cosmetic companies are in cahoots

I’m saying modern liberals’ LGBTHIV religion requires the ritual mutilation of children.

Jews practice male circumcision.

Some Muslims practice female circumcision.

Some Muslims practice child bride marriages.

Cosmetic companies will and do exploit the teen age market as much as legally allowed.

Are you referring strictly to those use cases, or something else?

Circumcisized foreskins are sold at a major profit to cosmetic companies.

No, the people next to him and around him and in his ear are ALSO with gang. This goes for the majority of the right.