Hawkeye for a day

Be Hawkeye for a day, today.

Every thread you post must mention:
SERE school
how bad ass the rangers are
how all non rangers are pussies
how you were a ranger badass
and how totally fucking awesome the rangers are.

Anything that someone says that you don’t agree with, must be met with one of the following phrases:
Whiny fucking liberal pussies
Liberal douchebags
Fucking pogues
The rangers would never have a piece of shit like you
you would never have the courage to go into combat.

If you’re having a hard time getting this, visualize yourself as that guy that’s 30 years old that’s always at the frat house. He hasn’t been in the frat for 10 years, but it’s still all he talks about, and he still hangs around the frat house all day everyday. Now just pretend there are guns and you can get the main idea of hawkeye’s existence.

you want to troll hawkeye, but you don’t mention knives? lame. so lame.

The rangers don’t need no stinking knives, you whiny fucking liberal pussy. In SERE school they teach you the Jedi Mind trick. You would never make it as a ranger.

I disagree with Hawkeye about a lot of things, but you know what…if the USA ever decides to invade my counry, I would rather have him doing it than the bastards at Abu Ghraib.

(PS: Hawkeye, please notice the great sig material I just provided)

Wingchun, you are a whiny liberal pogue. The rangers are badass, and you would never have the courage to take your pussy liberal ass into combat. Oorahh.

Well, he doesn’t exactly hit every single one of those variations. The funny thing is, whenever I’ve seen Hawkeye get flamed, he usually manages to muster up some equanimity.

Looking for some attention, are we Spincycle? And it was such a nice day, today.

A few things(I won’t address all of them cuz I gotta get ready ta go out tonight)

  1. Your first mistake was comparing what I did to a frat. You are a no-go at this station. What I did was about being the tip of a sharply honed military weapon. The part of the sword that sparkles, slices through the air, and cleaves through flesh and bone. Do a quick Google search on the “Ranger Creed.” Seriously. Read the Creed slowly, carefully, several times. Try to get the full meaning of that Creed…because that is what being a Ranger is all about…both in and out of the Army. Trust me, when you are forced to give 210% every day and are surrounded by the very best (who are also giving 210%) the bonds are deep and lifelong. Loose a friend/brother like that in wartime and it shakes you to the core. It makes the bond with those who still walk the earth that much stronger. It defines you as a man(But since you aren’t one, I’m sure you wouldn’t understand any of that). That is not what a frat is about. Sorry to suprise you but we didn’t wear cardigan sweaters and run around on campus sticking pickles up each other’s asses. Your words are worthless, and what you do for a living is even less.

  2. You could at least get it right, “ooooorah” is the Marine Corps. Army is “Hooah”.

  3. All non-Rangers are not pussies. Pussies are the ones who act like it. Every service member should hold him or herself to high standards, no matter what tab, badge, combat or unit patch you have on your BDU’s. There’s studs out there who have and can put me to shame and there’s some non-Rangers out there who I feel I am not worthy to stand with, including two members of Bullshido(both of you Marines know who you are).

Ahhhhhh, wait, fuck this. This is exactly what you want me to do. Blow up and explode.

When I first came on this website, I didn’t like alot of the posters when it came to non-martial arts talk. I can think of a bunch offhand, Patfromlogan, Wingchunlawyer, PeeDee, Wounded Ronin, Choke, and a few others. Right now I can honestly sit here and say I would take them down to the saloon, slap them on the back and buy them rounds of beer and whiskey until we were fucking tanked. Ya’ll can even pass out on my floor if ya need to spend the night(yes, even PeeDee but he don’t seem like the drinking kind, though, I’ll have to buy him a seltzer or some shit). Even though I don’t know them in person, I have grown to like and respect them. There’s some good peeps up on here. But not you, and one other I can think of. Unless you prove me otherwise, I wouldn’t hold one thing you say with a piss drip of value.

And you’re really one to talk, since you posted that “most soldiers are stupid” shit a while back. Now go away before you say something you regret for the rest of your life.

Here, my new avatar will be less threatening.

You’re definitely the tip of a sharp shiny thing, and that thing is a glaring tool. You’ve managed to validate every stereotype I made about you in one post, but you’re too stupid to see the irony in that.

The frat thing was an analogy, something I’m sure you’re utterly unfamiliar with. I could have also used the analogy of the high school quarterback who is still calling the local team “my squad” fifteen years after graduation.

I’m willing to be there’s probably a restraining order prohibiting you from going any close than 1000 yards of any Ranger barrack or training facility.

Anyhow, gotta get back to studying my “worthless profession” so I can get rich while you remain the dumb fucking redneck god has cursed you to be.

May the force of the liberal pogue douchebags be with you.

I’ll be honest. I don’t understand 40-60% of any of any given Hawkeye post.

Wow, it’s been fun fucking with you.

You sound like the cry of a wimpering little boy away from home for the first time trying to sound brave

Yeah, I know what an analogy is, mutherfucker, my Cro-magnon ass can read. You prove MY point that you are a piece of shit by comparing Rangering, something you know jack shit about, with a frat and high school fucking sports. Frats and high school sports teams don’t have to drag out dead and wounded 'brothers" after witnessing horrifying tragedies. And I was at Regiment in August visiting a buddy at RTD and WHINSEC, I gots no clue what fucking restraining order you are talking about.

You actually think I give a fuck that I prove some stereotype in your head? Why the fuck do you think I use Deliverance avatars?

Here’s one just for you, I bet you can identify with the position this guy is in:

Go get your education, you frilly panty’d fuck.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

This avatar just isn’t working. Freddy, I love ya and all, a tear still comes to my eye when I hear “who wants to live forever”, but you’ve gotta go. Farewell, my friend, I hope you’re kicking back up there and having a beer with God.

“Frats and high school sports teams don’t have to drag out dead and wounded 'brothers” after witnessing horrifying tragedies."

You haven’t been to many frat parties have you, you dirty dirty pogue you.

“Here’s one just for you, I bet you can identify with the position this guy is in”… so that’s what you guys do out in the jungle. No wonder you like it so much. Which one is you? You seem like you’re probably a “catcher” so I’m betting you’re the fat guy in the tighty whiteys.

i like his posts. they’re snappy, full of enthusiasm and feature lots of impressive-looking acronyms. i don’t really understand them either, but i like them. plus, i’m afraid not to like them, because they’re often festooned with references to weird, scary knives.

this isn’t trolling, by the way. i’m being serious.

A man who likes knives is a good man. You’re alright in my book, Hughes.

Naw, I more resemble the toothless man more than either Bobby or the mountain man

One of my Muay Thai coaches was a Ranger, he left the army because he found out he was merely an expendable asset. But you Rangers are really important, keep up the good work.

I think now is a good time to point out that Bad news Hughes is probably Bullshido’s most underrated poster.

But he was an asset.

The thing I find funny about this is that Hawkeye is better educated than 90% of the Bullshido posters - both in terms of formal education and real world experience.

I must confess, though, that I’m getting concerned by the numerous references to Deliverence in Hawkeye’s posts.