Good article on Kiwi Farms shut down, some thoughts

I always thought science was backed up by research and experimentation.

Research that fails to replicate, more than it does replicate, suggests that more data is needed, and/or the research has proven itself to be unreliable.

In my area a LOT of these types are super Xtian types. Specifially Xtian reconstructionists/Theonomist/crats.
Never heard them use the term “chud” or “kulak”.

I’ve seen some references to “patriot”, though usually not at public meetings, more online.

I don’t think the RW is as homogeneous as some of it’s opponents would like to make it out to be. There are competing interests, that sometimes work together.

I’m not sure getting panties in a wad over semantics is as important as getting the broader picture.

Yes, and you have research results that are suggestive (inductive) and do not falsify hypotheses.

Correct, inductive research helps us gather information, build frameworks which may be useful (or may not, depending on generalizability of context and domain) and help us develop hypothesis to later test using positivistic and other research methods.

They are certainly not common jargon outside of the RW dissidents that use the internet regularly.

Well, there you have it.


× twelve

The political language is ever evolving. Chud started out as an attempt by terminally online leftists (radlibs- radical liberals are liberals who effect a leftist aesthetic but have generally liberal politics) to insult normie Middle America conservative voters without insulting any of the BIPOC LGBTHIV political coalition. Now it’s used just as often by (often terminally) online right wing types as a term of endearment.

I already explained why Kulak has come to be used the way it is by online rw types.

Are you or have you ever been a

Once again, it’s not just as often, nor is it used as a common term of endearment at all. As I continue to explore the right, I still get zero instances of the use of the word.

Once again the right wing is “diverse” and pretty large, especially online, and we don’t interact with many of the same people.

I listened to Chapo Trap House once, so now I am a Marxist who works in media and lives off of my podcast money in NYC.

Yeah, but my reach is pretty wide to the point of being international. Pretty much no way you’re better connected. Your terminology just doesn’t check out.

We literally already had this argument and I brought receipts.

The world needs ditch diggers too.

retard leftist podcasters digging ditches

I don’t mean to make you feel bad about your economic situation, but Chapo Trap House makes like $170,000 a month on Patreon. Split between about four people. That is not a typo, $170K. A podcast called Cumtown makes about $140,000 a month and they are only vaguely political and mostly call each other gay.

There is a lot of money to be made in the Online Left Wing Podcasting/media world.

You said you listened to podcasts. Not that you produced a successful one.

That would involve you doing something productive with your time. And showing some kind of aptitude you could cash in on.

No, you found one guy who used it. I don’t bring receipts. I’m actually legit though.