Good article on Kiwi Farms shut down, some thoughts

Lmao. Okay, so at least we agree the people where being naughty and up to no good, by your reference of behaving badly. What would you say was the cause of the bad behaviour, how did all these people start behaving badly?

What was wrong with those examples?

Do you believe propaganda is not used as part of brainwashing?

I’m also not taking about one on one, throw you in an isolation chamber, it would be silly to assume that based on the topic of the conversation.

I don’t know. But I won’t call brainwashing without evidence to support that. Unless your just assuming that is the case.

They are not examples of brainwashing. As defined.

Even your video of the conforming bias. You do the experiment without the added social pressure those people will give their real answers. Not just the ones to go along with the group.

Propaganda is used to mislead. People can be lied to and beleive those lies. This goes along with cognitive bias. Which is not the same as " brainwashing"

I’m not assuming. If we pick one example Rwanada:

The Power groups believed that the national radio station, [Radio Rwanda], had become too liberal and supportive of the opposition; they founded a new radio station, (RTLM). The RTLM was designed to appeal to the young adults in Rwanda and had extensive reach. Unlike newspapers that could only be found in cities, the radio broadcasts were accessible to Rwanda’s largely rural population of farmers. The format of the broadcasts mirrored Western-style radio talk shows that played popular music, hosted interviews, and encouraged audience participation. The broadcasters told crude jokes and used offensive language that contrasted strongly with Radio Rwanda’s more formal news reports. Just 1.52% of RTLM’s airtime was dedicated to news, while 66.29% of airtime featured the journalists discussing their thoughts on different subjects. As the start of the genocide approached, the RTLM broadcasts focused on anti-Tutsi propaganda. They characterized the Tutsi as a dangerous enemy who wanted to seize the political power at the expense of Hutus. By linking the Rwandan Patriotic Army with the Tutsi political party and ordinary Tutsi citizens, they classified the entire ethnic group as one homogeneous threat to Rwandans.

I would be tempted to say going out in mass slaughter might lead one to believe these people weren’t acting rationally at the time. Get people to act irrationally in line with a political agenda to do things that are horrific is right up there with dare i say it, being brainwashed. The radio channel played a key role in influencing the actions of people, impacting their ethics, values and beliefs.

You make mislead sound so innocent forgetting that people are capable of doing terrible things while being gently “mislead”.

Brainwashing (also known as mind control , menticide , coercive persuasion , thought control , thought reform , and forced re-education ) is the concept that the [human mind can be altered or controlled by certain techniques. Brainwashing is said to reduce its subjects’ ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds, as well as to change their attitudes, values and beliefs.

From wikipedia. Brainwashing - Wikipedia

Changing of values, beliefs, etc. lack of critical thinking.

Look if you want to play thesaurus - thesaurus, go ahead. The point is quite clear. People are often fed shit and they happily lap it up, often to a terrible end. That lack of filter, lack of critical thinking and mass hysteria. What should we call that behaviour, you give me a better term.

Brainwashing in the sense of one on one, torturing people, trying to turn them into drones, whatever, is outside the scope of my discussion as should be fairly evident at this point.

I have gave you the definition I was using. The Wikipedia one is too stupid and non specific to be of use.

Your “evidence” does not meet the definition I posted. The real one

You can’t make people want to do things they don’t want to do. You can try to coerce them through violence. Trick them, extort them. But some are less pliable to those levers than others.

Those things are not brainwashing.

Which is coercing someone into fundamentally changing who they are; to make them act and think exactly as the coercers will dictates, a will not their own.

Yes, very clever response.

You win.

I’m out.

Don’t let the door hit your ass.

As original as your other content.

You quoted wikipedia.

Look, if you think the people who committed the atrocities of the Genocide in Rwanda were “brainwashed”

does that you mean you would not hold them accountable for their actions?

Why’d you edit this post after i responded to it.

Then add this after as well.

Are you trying to make it look like you were having a constructive conversation?
Although that last point looks fun to explore (how we judge capability during a trial) , i’m not keen on playing these type of games.

I didn’t edit it. I added to it. Literally within a minute.

We don’t have to discuss anything.

I was just expanding on what I was saying.

No. There is nothing deceptive inherent to propaganda. It literally means to propagate.

I can be used to lead, or mislead. Unfortunately most people learn about it from watching Nazis. Same reason most people think the Swastika is an evil symbol.

I’m Jewish, and I’m not married. Want to see my fucking foreskin? Video of me in a kippot?

What the fuck, is this how you roll, posting shit about people’s families? Sorry you are old and confused but that’s not ok.

You must be one of those self appointed Internet Detectives. Always hunting people down, usually wrong about every fact. My biggest pet peeve about the Bullshido crowd, what bunch of amateur sleuths.

You’d fit right in on Kiwi Farms. Back on ignore. Too bad. Try again in a few months, dick.

Let’s be clear about a couple things.

First, if you start making *igger and Jew jokes online, nobody cares if it’s “ironic”. You’re a fucking slimeball and people like me have been dealing with people like you our whole lives.

Second, secure your own shit before you try to sit in judgement over others. When I first learned of the Bullshido campaign against Kiwi Farms last year I was like “these are people I can stand with”. It was exciting.

Then I realized the truth. Some of you are/were Kiwi Farmers.

You sad twats. Imagine being that deplorable. On one site, exposing fraud maists. On another, acting out your worst, most sadistic fantasies.

So who is here defending Kiwi Farms again? Keep an eye on these people before they ruin this fine place.

Jew jokes. Fuck me, see you next week llamas.

You sound boring.

Bullshido lost its way in early 2013.

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Anyways, technofascists, such as KF have to be treated like the threat to one’s self and to society as a whole, that they are. You wouldn’t last a week behaving like that offline, and I think in today’s world, an important part of self defense is the ability to find and eliminate the cyber criminal, just as if he were sitting across from you.

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I’m the most boring person here, doe.


Because I’ve not encountered any obstruction to finding out the Russian’s side of the debate