Good article on Kiwi Farms shut down, some thoughts

Well you can find almost anything if you are prepared to look for it.

Sure blocked is a strong word.

Not in Russia, alas

Have you ever used the internet in Russia? Yandex is not nearly as controlled for content as Google Search.

None of you know shit about Russia you didn’t learn from a plastic bottle of vodka.

Just like Joshua Moon.

So when did you live in Russia?

I live rent free in Putin’s mind. I could also choke his bitch tits out inside the red zone.

And yours.

Where’s Josh Moon these days? Still sucking his mom’s dick?

Ever hunted rat? With enough heat, totally edible.

No you couldn’t.


Lmao even

I would hold you down and give you such a bad Indian Burn your great grandparents would think they were headed to the ovens again.

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Yeah I’m sure your copy of Mein Kampf is a hardcover, motherfucker.

And your copy of Sorel, fascist pig.

Can you still smell that blue belt?

All belts and ranks reek of pomp and circumstance.

Fuck all y’all. Smell your own farts all you want.

I get that you feel a chip on your shoulder because somebody handed you a belt once. I bought mine at JC Penny’s.

Ever noticed how Muay Thai boxers don’t give a fuck about your colored belt? Or have you never done that sort of shit?

You are the one who cares about colored belts. You are the one that writes about them all the time.

Neither myself, nor @Dr.Gonzo , who both actually have hard-earned experience, tout our belts, in fact, the opposite.

Was all the advise and encouragement I gave you over the… fucking years… me sniffing my own farts?

And you writing as if I care about them, and then pretending that to be reality, is petty, and disingenuous.

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Not sure if you figured it out dog, but I fucking hate maists.

Especially ones with belts. But most especially ones who take up authority online. That’s you, right?

Years? Like others you seem very confused. I just read a lot. Didn’t take me long to brief up on the less than 10 active posters here.

Where’d all the rest go? Def not Kiwi Farms.

Right, keep up the charade.

I mean, do you all hang out here ALL DAY LONG just waiting for someone to post?

I’m not your huckleberry, doe.

Read a novel, learn a new craft. Anything but me. Like I told Osyrus, I’m boring AF.

That is very ungracious of you.

@BKR donating his expertise in Judo in Bullshido was one of the best aspects of the old site.

Likewise, when guys like Crafty would post about Kali Tudo.

Or Devil would post about shooting / firearms.


And @BKR did make that gracious contribution into the gift economy for years.

Often responding directly to your Judo questions.

It might be more gracious of you just to say thank you, to him, for doing so.

About Judo? I have some authority about Judo. Otherwise, nothing to do with my Judo experience.

Besides, if someone wants to have a civil discussion about something, I’m all for it. Even Judo, LOL.

Judo is cool if it’s like BJJ, but with less fatheads.

I love Japanese shit. I got called a weeboo by this one dickhead in my boxing class. Then I learned it was just more racist slang. Fucked that bitch up.

Judo has more fat heads, due to the heavy participation of those descended from Eastern Europe, and EurAsia, and people descended from Mongol Empire blood lines.

That sounds kind racist, man, watch yourself.