Girl Scouts learn the manly art of self defense...

Girl Scouts learn self-defense tips



PHOENIXVILLE - Several local Girl Scouts learned self-defense strategies from martial arts instructors at Park Day on Tuesday evening in Andre Thornton Park. Husband and wife martial arts instructors Mike and Janine Roe taught the girls how to fight off an attacker. “Just keep hitting them,” said Mike. “There are no rules. Use whatever works. There’s a thousand ways to do this.” He warned the girls to always be prepared and said, "If you’re going to do it, do it and don’t go halfway. “It’s not about being fair, it’s about being safe.”

Mike displayed how to properly attack the eyes, ears, nose and groin when accosted. He said that even Arnold Schwarzenegger is no stronger in those body areas than the girls themselves. He also told the girls to lacquer and grow their finger nails a quarter of an inch for better protection. Every scenario that Mike ended with the girls defending themselves and then “running for it.” Participant Fawn Sheplock said that she “learned a lot of new things” and that learning basic self-defense is “good for girls to help protect themselves.” Instructor Janine Roe said that she enjoys the challenge of teaching children the art of self-defense.

“We have to explain in concrete ways,” she said. “It’s demanding because they have a lot of energy. They show their appreciation right away.” “Although it doesn’t feel good to hurt somebody,” Mike told the girls. “You have to be prepared and willing.”

The self-defense class was part of Park Day festivities.

I guess that’s one way to protect those cookies they have to sell. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

Do you consider bitch slapping a manly arts? DO Scars teach bitch slapping?

It is a rat eat rat world.

“A magical place where I have a freakish large penis and I am also the king of the mushroom people.” - by Omen Stone

Do you consider bitch slapping a manly arts? DO Scars teach bitch slapping?

(Chuckles) No, I’m afraid you’ll only find that sort of behavior among the amateurs in the stylistic arts. I believe they refer to it as “sparring.”

So you guys go and kill people to prove your techniques? After all, you guys arent theory based.

Osiris’ about to make you his bitch. August 30th, 2003

So you guys go and kill people to prove your techniques? After all, you guys arent theory based.

Where is all this vitriol stemming from Osiris? Believe it or not, but I never owned a colored man nor do I ever intend to. As a matter of fact, I was thinking of checking out the Nation of Islam, you know, those black thugs who wear a bow tie going around preaching their hatred of Jews and whites. That way you will be better able to relate to me as a fellow “brother.” <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

No beef. Im just curious to know how many people youve killed. I need to keep high standards. Anyway, why NOI? The Nation of Gods and Earths is much better. Protons Electrons.

Osiris’ about to make you his bitch. August 30th, 2003

No beef. Im just curious to know how many people youve killed.

Stylists tend to die inside a little bit each time I post a stellar response to their idiot inquiries.

I need to keep high standards.

…and what standards would those be? Can I assume your Mcthrowdown is factored into those standards?

Anyway, why NOI?

Why? Why you ask? Surely, a smart fellow such as yourself knows that the Nation of Islam is a hotbed for spewing American hatred and anti-semitic slogans. Hell, whenever I see a colored man wearing a muslim cap, I can’t help but think, “Why are American patriots getting all wound up over the events of 9/11? These guys are harmless.”

Hey, didn’t a black muslim sergeant in the US Army get busted for fragging his commanding officers in Iraq. I’m sure it was all a big misunderstanding, it must have been his way of lodging a complaint against a group of white guys whose ancestors probably owned colored slaves in the past.

“Can I assume your Mcthrowdown is factored into those standards?”

Why don’t you make an appearance there and see for yourself? I’m sure Os wouldn’t mind.

“You can’t cast aspersions on someone because they’re wearing a cape. Superman wore a cape, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let you say something bad about him.” - Jerry Seinfeld

“…and what standards would those be? Can I assume your Mcthrowdown is factored into those standards?”

After reading your info Ive decided to move away from tTHEORY based styles. Im assuming I need to kill a few people. How many?

I understand your point about NOI, but NOGE does it so much better. Supreme mathematics is fucking awesome. I reccomend that you join them instead. Do the knowledge. Power Equality.

Osiris’ about to make you his bitch. August 30th, 2003

Why don’t you make an appearance there and see for yourself? I’m sure Os wouldn’t mind.

I don’t know, after you’ve seen one TKD nut who thinks he can fight, you’ve pretty much seen them all.

“I don’t know, after you’ve seen one TKD nut who thinks he can fight, you’ve pretty much seen them all.”


“You can’t cast aspersions on someone because they’re wearing a cape. Superman wore a cape, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let you say something bad about him.” - Jerry Seinfeld

I understand your point about NOI, but NOGE does it so much better. Supreme mathematics is fucking awesome. I reccomend that you join them instead. Do the knowledge. Power Equality.

Wow, are they the same group of people that believes the Egyptians were black and flew in machines around the time the great pyramids were being built? I love those guys. Knowledge is Powerful…<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

The Egyptians WERE black dumbass. Wait, you still think white people were running around N.Africa dont you? Or were they aliens? Shapeshifters? What bullshit do you wish to wish to spread now?

“I don’t know, after you’ve seen one TKD nut who thinks he can fight, you’ve pretty much seen them all.”


Osiris’ about to make you his bitch. August 30th, 2003

I am also interested in how techniques are trained full-power without seriously hurting or killing the opponent (not grappling), after all, they are deadly… aren’t they ?

Surley this would mean great injury or death to training partners, otherwise it would be theory based, which are 100% bullshit IMO.

Eyes open wide, looking at the heavens with a tear in my eye.
Yes there’s love if you want it, don’t sound like a sonnet.

The Egyptians WERE black dumbass.

Oh Dear, yes and colored folk also invented everything from the wheel to the atomic bomb as well. God, how I do love the lies and myths of afrocentrism. (Laughs)

PS. The Egyptians had a diverse society, where their population was in all probability racially mixed just as America is today, but to adamantly state that the Egyptians ‘WERE’ black would be as idiotic as stating that Americans ARE black as well.

I am also interested in how techniques are trained full-power without seriously hurting or killing the opponent

You never train at “full-power.” Unless you’re a martial arts idiot, you’re there to protect your workout partner, not to destroy them. You utilize light to moderate force, this allows the workout partner to escape and absorb the power and the fighter to regulate it as well. As an aside, this is the difference between a stylist that is primarily “technique-based” and a professional whose actions are governed by principles, there’s no mystery.

(not grappling),

Why not grappling? Grappling is an application of compression force as opposed to kinetic, what’s the difference? The fact is, there is none, it is a transference of energy from one form to another through various means. If compression force is applied at full power -oh, let us say- on a neck, could that not result in “great injury or death?” Is there some idiot teaching in the martial arts that has nothing to do with basic physics and human physiology, but with chi and other mystical nonsense I’m not aware of? If so, please enlighten me, I’d love to debate the scientific points of that particular issue with you.

Surley this would mean great injury or death to training partners,

Yes, when it comes to the professional, not the amateur stylist, the potential for great injury and even death to our training partners is a very distinct possibility if caution is clearly not exercised. Can you honestly be saying that life-threatening injuries and death never occur in any capacity during such training? It has to do with having kinesthetic memory and more importantly, Knowledge. Knowledge which I’m sorry to say is literally barren in the martial arts world; your silly inquires prove that beyond any doubt to a discerning reader.

Edited by - kungfoolss on July 31 2003 12:59:10

"Oh Dear, yes and colored folk also invented everything from the wheel to the atomic bomb as well. God, how I do love the lies and myths of afrocentrism. (Laughs)

PS. The Egyptians had a diverse society, where their population was in all probability racially mixed just as America is today, but to adamantly state that the Egyptians ‘WERE’ black would be as idiotic as stating that Americans ARE black as well."

PLEASE. I made no claims to any extrordinary feats of Kemet. They were however one of the worlds earliest powers, and they were indeed the source of many scentific advances and cultural advances. They DID build the pyramids, they DID train many philosophers, they clearly influenced christianity greatly, and they did give birth to the father of modern medicine. These are proven facts. To say that white people came down to help, that it was aliens, or whater is raicst bullshit.

“You never train at “full-power.” Unless you’re a martial arts idiot, you’re there to protect your workout partner, not to destroy them. You utilize light to moderate force, this allows the workout partner to escape and absorb the power and the fighter to regulate it as well. As an aside, this is the difference between a stylist that is primarily “technique-based” and a professional whose actions are governed by principles, there’s no mystery.”

Yeh, bit doesnt that make it theory based? After all isnt a theory that youre technique kills unless you actually kill someone?

Osiris’ about to make you his bitch. August 30th, 2003

Kungfoolss–You’re an idiot. Most egyptians were black. How many white folks have you seen running around the hot ass desert? Oh yea…did you know that Egypt is IN AFRICA???

In any case, when Alexander The Great marched into Egypt…he had his army blow off the nose of the Sphinx…why? Because the Sphinx’s nose had a wide, flat shape like an African.

And what’s your beef with the NOI? Are you threatened by people who are trying to improve Black communities? Not all American Muslims hate Jews and white people.

While I don’t agree with everything the NOI and the 5 %ers believe, the fact that they are trying to improve their own communities speaks volumes.

Stop being an idiot for a fucking change.

Don’t even waste your time trying to convince KFss otherwise, he’s a product of right-wing & SCARS indoctrination. He harbors pathological hatred of anything that is associated with liberalism and multi-culturalism. He only listen to the sources of info that appeal to his belief and nothing else, and preach them like the words of God. Anything else is either lies or evil. Seeing how he likes to percieve things in black and white and illogically lump a group of people, ideologies and styles according to simple stereotypes - such lack of complexity are the traits of fanatics, the uneducated, the ignorant or a combination of all three. It’s a waste of time trying to convince him, all he will do is just try to mock you for difference in opinion & beliefs, though I doubt he will counter the arguments with much substance, just empty taunts and insult which are his specialties