Frank Dux v. Bullshit Martial Arts Facebook Group

Did you just claim to have 68 “matches” from 2015?
Sad, Rabbit, just sad.
You are the epitome of Bullshido, meaning fake.


I see your 68 and raise you, umm, you do the math.


We have a winner! Ha ha.

The all time mega Interdimensional champion, Super Middle Weight Division.

Indisputable fact.

No, you just read that post wrong, probably intentionally.

I posted all 68 matches from the 2015 Kuoshu International, several dozen competitors across 9 weight classes.

I am in one of them, which is one more than Frank Dux. It’s also pretty obvious form the video plenty of the competitors are, in fact, not men, and therefore, not me.

Hahahaha, bullshido #winning

LOL, so now you are trying to rehabilitate your atrocious performance with this bullshit?

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LOL, more bullshit.

You got your ass beat.

You tried, though.


Remember where he claimed to be good at groundfighting ? Beause he did some ne waza in Japan with somebody. Was an old forum drama thing.

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Have you even SEEN Phrost’s MMA debut?

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Nope, never have.

Post it, man.



Sometimes you take the bull by the horns, sometimes the bull makes eye contact, nuzzles your junk and dares you to do something about it.