FBI whistleblowers: what their disclosures indicate about the politicization of the FBI and justice department

Ah, now the personal insults begin. Thanks!

Nah, he just lacks some ability at nuance.

I’m working on it. I don’t have a degree in this nonsense like you do, so I have to look stuff up.

Plus or minus a day job.

Now, don’t you go claiming to have a lock on reality…

I’m not sure how else you expect me to respond to that. Nothing so far that I have written or that you have observed has convinced you that you are wrong and that I’m not just “pushing a narrative”.

Good, you should know how your government works. Especially the people who actually wield power in our system.

He never said nor implied, that he did not know how government worked, as well, or better than you.

He said, that he did not have a degree in bullshit studies.

Two very different statements with two very different meanings.

Are you talking about the quantum mechanics stuff? Particles that only exist when observed or not observed?

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate your sharing your point of view.

You are pushing a narrative, though, and you know it. I’m not saying it’s a narrative in the sense of a made-up story, to be clear.

You seen weave in history and facts, viewed through the particular lense of your choosing. We all do it, to once extent or another.

So, nothing I’m writing is personal towards you as a person. You are getting trolled by Doofa, of course, he rarely does anything else, unless related to gardening.

I mean, you opened my eyes to Carl Schmitt, and that was quite a revelation, because especially the “friend-enemy” thing, which I had heard from a few people but had no context for it. And of course, the wackos who were spouting it were taking it way out of context.

BTW, you have a vision of how government works, it seems, which I don’t necessarily share. And more potentially disturbing, how you want it to work for you.

You threw in a personal insult, it’s pretty easy to understand.

But I suppose you have put in a lot of effort to help educate us all here, and this is Bullshido…

100% genuinely honestly I just want a national political leadership that feels like it’s too politically dangerous to talk about strafing me with F15s and to stop trying to replace me in the country I was born in with foreigners. 30 years ago that would not have been extreme and in fact would have been a mainstream Liberal position.

Still reading the document.

It’s not a short one.

The FBI, DEA, and several other major Federal agencies are riddled with corruption.

That’s why it’s so important to have authoritarian control, man, that way your side can control speech.

About 1/5 of the way through the subject document.

There is a lot of shit in there.


Now that piece of shit, Dr. Levine is openly calling for Federal agencies to get social media companies to censor disagreement with the administration’s views regarding trans issues.
And you can pretty much guess, that is not the only issue this administration thinks its entitled to suppress speech and dissenting views about.
This is a criminal disposition on the part of Dr. Levine and the other scum bags in positions of power within the Federal agencies that are using social media as extensions of government power that attempt to by pass the Bill of Rights protections because of the misuse of third party doctrine.

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This is just a conspiracy theory. Queer Commissars don’t exist and if they did, they wouldn’t make it into positions of power anyway because they are too crazy. I have this on good authority.

Don’t listen to @BrevardFighter. He used to work for Twitter.

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