Fang Shen Do II: The Fangshizzle

we should send them a book about aliveness first… if that kind of book actually exists.

I have the FSD One and Three Inch Punch Book written by and autographed by Sijo Patenaude himself.

Let the bidding begin…

did you know that the verb to bid and the word buddha had the same indo-european root?


back to the subject: FSD sux…
seriously the fact that this thread is breaking records of longetivity is a good indicator of FSD bullshido-ness.


Better send a Thesaurus with that aliveness book…went out to a private class of a JKD/MMA guy in Ottawa last week…hes under Vunak....does not teach any trapping..lots of clinch work...randori type training to make it work...lots of conditioning through the training, thai work...and such..on the pads and full contact of his students said that the entire kali structure in fsd was from one of Vunaks old tapes....that he was told the Gracies suck by an fsder awhile back…said a freind of his was threatened a few years back as well after leaving.
It sounds like they slag all the other schools in Ottawa and beyond big time…claim people are “useless” if they quit and train elsewhere as well…a buddy of mine who trains Sambo openly challenged them awhile back and they would not go for it…
I know for a fact that the older group of guys who left and did Wing Chun were heavily intimidtated and at times threatened…

It suddenly struck me how silly it is to have the word Dao twice in the title. And once in Japanese.

you mean like in tao of jeet kune do?

…yeah I’m a bitch.

But see, Bruce was the original “market this to crackers” man. He deserves respect. Though…wasn’t the Tao book was assembled posthumously?

yeah the blame is on Linda Lee Cadwell…

wait a minute Sijo’s wife name is Linda too… Aaaah now I get it!


Man you said, exactly. 

I hated it when we would be given a technique, endurance drill or whatever to do and then the sifu would wonder off to do god knows what.
Totally ignoring us.
How were supposed to get better? If you did’nt know something a higher level student would point it out and then you’d pass it on to a less experienced student, right or wrong.
I’ve had other students who were 1 rank above me teach me basic things that should have been corrected years earlier by a sifu.
This happened often.

How are you supposed to get good at takedowns, phon sao and such when we would never practise them in class? There where like 12 takedowns and 15 phon sao which we rarely ever practised. Or we’d get 10 minutes to run through them all by ourselves.

The point about a student going to class 2 times a week and then testing and not ever been shown a technique on the test is so true! This happened on every test I took after yellow sash. No shit!.
Or they would ask you a question that was from a higher sash that you were’nt even supposed to know at that level. Or they ask you some question that was’nt even in the student manual/curriculum.

Students getting let through the ranks unready. Big problem.
I’d be trying to do some techniques with guys and they’d be talking about god knows what!
Shut the fuck up and train that is why I am here!
That pissed me off more than anything Sijo ever did.
My time is valuable and I’m trying to become a martial artist, not some guy who shows up to trick himself in to thinking he’s good. Then they wonder why they could’nt put me down or make the technique work.
Put some balls behind it! Show up to class to paticipate. Be a good partner.

These point alone make it a bad school! Never mind all the legitimate points that have been raised.

so enhanced did you prepare your departure from fsd ?

As with any cult, they will just blame the victim for being a “pussy” who “did not apply the techniques correctly,” who “if only he came to the Shit-Sniffing Seminar he would have been t3h d34dly,” et cetera.

Basically, the same excuses faith healers use when people die.


Green Hornet,
I have’nt been to class in months. I’m already out.

Any crap because of it?


Let’s be careful

This offer from FSD to buy their book on the history of FSD sounds like a set-up to get the names of people posting on this forum. Do I know this for fact? No, I don’t, but just call it instinct.


I agree with that as well, after what I have hear this past month…this past week as well, I can see that…two of the people I know that actually teach and train realistic martial arts now…years after being there …will simply not talk about there past with them at all…I know that neither of them are oushovers when it comes to their own training…yet they will not tlak about it…I was hoping to hear from stringfellow…see what he`s heard of late???

what good could that possibly do for the FSD people?

Try somehow to get “even.”

Remember, they are children.


A scan of the link shows that it is not linked to from anywhere else except Bullshido. So they only want people from Bullshido reading that particular page.

There own students cant link to it from inside the site.

The motive could be a plan to target people who either click the link or buy the book. If FSD management is planning on targeting the bullshido reader through their traditional intimidation methods and bully tactics, this could get really interesting.

Either way, it’s hardly likely to win them any fans, is it? If it is a plan to target Bullshido posters (and it amazes me that this is a possibility), the end result will just be more bad publicity, surely?

hey, i dont post for a few days, i come back and there is a new thread?! omg what did i miss?

stay on topic: fsd still sucks :tongue2: