Fake Tai Chi Masters Rant

Because it’s a lot more interesting than talking about “aliveness” in 2021. You might as well argue with me about MySpace.

Imagine once upon a time, people who love fighting so much decided to make movies about fighting (with honor and respect), and in Hong Kong, they ended up creating a golden age of cinema where you could see people of unprecedented athleticism and skill kick each other’s asses.

I can see that you don’t have a very good background in the Shaw Brothers, despite my best efforts.

I’ll give it 10 more years. You’re worth it.

Anyways, I find it funny you watch Billy Chong doing all that amazing shit, but think a Chen family member is the real awesome.

Have you even watched 36 Chambers of Shaolin? Get your sons together on family movie night and watch this. You’re welcome.


Chen Z isn’t in movie scenes, AFAIK. Amazing feats of athleticism are admirable.

And aliveness is always in fashion.

WTF is this place, a movie review thread?

To be fair, Wu Jing’s taijiquan moves are pretty rad:


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More movies, nice.

Wait for it in this one…wait for it…

This video was shot in Brazil. I know some of the people in there. Master Chen Ziqiang is there, but the one fighting is Chen Jianqiang. I believe I had already shared this video in the old forums:

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I’ve seen it. Nice posting, thanks.

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To be fair (again), Fred Astaire was a boxing enthusiast LOL

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Right, that’s why he was so good at dancing, LOL.

Cyd Charisse, obviously a black belt in BJJ!

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I think there’s more dancing has to offer than we would think. Jackie Chan was a backup dancer before he was a film star, and Bruce Lee was a tango dancer.

It’s probably boiling down to: “knowing how to be light on your feet”, which is something we’ve known for about a century. People who can move better are less likely to eat a punch.


TRaining in dance as a kid will enhance overall athleticism.


Agility, balance, coordination, speed

Kids who miss out on a robust physically active childhood in a variety of sports and activities will lose out on overall athletic development into adulthood.


The (sad) irony of TCC is it’s deceptively gentle nature, when in fact it’s very similar to how I learned nage and katame waze. One. movement. at. a. time. That’s the only way you keep the white belts from hurting people. Same as with dancing, anybody trying to be Fred Astaire without practicing their grace is going to sprain an ankle, drop their partner. In Judo, hyperextending a limb or tearing a knee. God, have I been dropped by people I wished could dance better.

The clinchwork in Tai Chi is pretty simple and similar to a lot of other arts, but most people would not even notice that’s what it was unless they 1) knew other arts or 2) their instructor knew.

I think we can both agree one of the key tenets of Judo is not throwing your weight around unnecessarily, without efficiency. TCC is very much the same. I know this because my TCC instructor always catches me moving inefficiently.

That’s also how you ID the real TCC masters from the fakes. The real TCC guys are hardcore as any other real kung fu style, but if they can’t move efficiently, and apply that to sparring, they missed the memo. And for some I’m sure that’s enough, “TC for health and all”, but I’m not that fucking old. Yet.

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Dance has application, sure. There’s coordination, rote memorization, partner/troupe movements and counter-movements, and more than a degree of improvisation.

Here is some video of Chen Ziqiang training a student.

I’ve mentioned this before, just found it again.

This at the Chen Village, I believe.

That move he does right at the end, LOL. Full teacher mode engaged.


Chen village.

LULZ, see those tires? See those people waving their arms around?


got to get to about 7:11 for more interesting stuff.

Chen Z doing cool stuff.

Man is a badass.

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The video didn’t embed, I just see a still image?

Here it is @W.Rabbit