Drag=Black Face

I would consider myself a feminist


By that reasoning white people can’t be taken seriously with regards to racism against black people

White people are not, in fact, the authority on what is offensive to black people.

I think the case might be that white people can be an authority on how white supremacist organizations are run and who goes to them but definitely not the authority on what is offensive to black people.

See? There was a black fella that got pissed at me for trying to explain white supremacist organizations to him. He got mad because he made a similar false equivalence. I know how those are run because my father is a life long white supremacist. Nazi tattoos and swastikas and all that fucked up shit.

Black people know what hurts them though, just like women know what is being used against them.

Personally, it’s not my call to make and I’m not going to take sides unless I think people are getting hurt.

I can continuously be an asshole to everyone, but yet, the ofendiditos are everywhere, behind the walls, listening…

One could think in terms of kosher quality acceptable moral, trying always to be universally kind to everyone.

But I don’t think, even in my best effort, that I could achieve such a feat.



But what you are saying is, as a white person/man I cannot be offended, call out or otherwise challenge racism/misogyny

I disagree

You are entitled to your opinion.

Have you considered that some men feel a psychological and emotional need to dress as women?

What about them? Those that are doing it to make themselves feel whole.

Are they stealing from women or creating for themselves?

Can you be a fair or qualified arbiter of grievance when haven’t felt their pain?

Can you justify taking this activity away from a group that may feel they need it to feel the support for their identity that they may not otherwise get?

It seems to me that drag is more of a personal outlet for personal grief rather than an assault on others.

I can’t say that it would be healthy to take that away from one group to satisfy the indignation of another group.

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Which is why I have drawn a distinction between transvestisism and drag

Again, do you apply the same standard to racial inequality?

So if someone dons BF to come to terms with some personal grief that makes BF OK in that situation?

I hate to labour the point but I maintain, if one judges drag to the same standards as BF it is hard to justify

Thats because they are under a spell.

NeurolingĂźistically programmated through hypnosis with induced para-linguistic satisfaction triggers.

Trust me, I’m a Doctor.


There’s a saying that goes something like this:

I don’t have to be a pilot to know that that helicopter does not belong in that tree.

Are there a lot of white people who think they are secretly black on the inside?

Maybe a few.

Are there white people that commit suicide because they can’t be black? Possibly but probably not so many to make it a common occurrence

I knew someone was going to refer to her but that’s not exactly common, is it.

She later got busted for welfare fraud too so it’s just as likely she did it for personal profit rather than some kind of identity disorder.

Not common to rise to a level of national leadership. But, if you open your eyes, this is a cultural appropriation that is prevalent. Showing off your tighty whiteys, big baggy pants, etc. It’s just counter-culture shit, same as always, but you are mistaken in saying that it doesn’t happen or it’s rare. It’s the norm, dude.

I don’t think cultural appropriation is rare, I think trans-racialism is probably very rare to none existent.

These are not the same two things.

Is drag cultural appropriation or is it artistic expression?


A thing can be offensive when someone assumes a greater amount of entitlement than they have or when they intend to be offensive.

I think there are probably drag participants who hate women. I knew one in college. A gay kid with a head full of mental problems that hated women. My friend’s neighbor. Awful little shit that caused a lot of problems because he was an awful little shit. That’s just how some people are.

Do I think that most people doing drag are this way? probably not. They don’t appear to hate women. Perhaps if it becomes a major controversy and some kind of anti-cisgendered female movement consolidates this may become a greater cause for concern but so far I think it appears negligible to possibly almost completely imaginary.

So, this is a very poignant question. Can white men jump? Can white men rap? Hmm.

Do you think people who black up hate black people?

In America? Yes. I think that some to most of them do it out of resentment. Hate. Absolutely. So called blackfishing or afroturfing is not uncommon in social media.

Even folks that paint their face for the Michael Jackson costume at All Hallows Eve?


I remember a white man playing King Baltasar in BF painting, for most of my childhood and first youth.

And by Vanity Fair standards, I am “coloured” in USA, or so is Antonio Banderas, a fellow Spaniard.

In this picture there is a threatening female as King Gaspar.

Maybe this very thread is a quest in the search of a not oppositive definition of feminity/women.

Hardly male clothing old boy