
Can you clear some PM’s? I just tried to send you one, but it said your fullup.

Could this be in the wrong forum?

I think it could.

Yea probobly, I just did the first forum. It will probobly get deleted no matter what, right?

this thread faces a fate worse than deletion.

Out of curiosity where should this belong?

contact him on his zoints page.

Or let him know in one of the other threads.

Soooooomeone has a date


Why haven’t you been on the intraweb?

I was trying to help.

You’ve never had to screen calls before?

Screen calls? I never answer my phone.

To many illegitimate children.

I’m here now.

What did you want to know?

Those pants look tight. Normally I wouldn’t ask you if you felt uncomfortable (esp since you’re holding those Uzis), but… It must kinda bunch sometimes?

Leopard print, or lace?

(Insert joke about pulling out)

I’m very disappointed. A thread with my name on it got Trollshidoed. Should we ever meet Obi1, I will pimp slap your like you were the student, and now I am the master.

Don’t let it get you down, big guy. Here. Let this picture of Ha Ji Won cheer you up.

Gorgeous, but that’s not Ha Jiwon.