Oh, Song Hye Gyo. My mistake :seppuku:
You are learning, young one.
Some day, I’ll master the Korean Wave.
BTW, you know Bullseye did Taekwondo?
Ah that’s why he can’t beat ninjitsu.
I can forgive him for that.
You too, are learning.
What do mean?
TKD pwns Ninjers.
Example: I have slept with more kunoichi than Pl4zm4 ever will.
TKDers also got the Inverse Ninja Law in their favor.
Inverse Ninjer Law?
You ever notice in ninja movies how a small group of ninjas can kill a large group of civilians, but a large group of ninjas can’t kill a single person. The Law states the more ninjas are assigned to a specific task the less effective the individual ninja becomes.
Proof Wikipedia is the greatest website ever.
I know. Too much thought went into that article.
I will go about my life now.
Go in peace, my son.