Cryptocurrency Discussion: BTC, ETH, DOGE, WTF

Not to mention, I was posting on Bullshido about blockchain tech in use at places like KODAK back when BTC was still almost worthless.

That was back when Phrost was still trying to mine it (><). Thank god he gave that up.

I am your crypto god, Beaker.

Take it up with a challenging opponent, dude.

But sometimes it’s fun to just beat up the white belt. You know this to be true.

It’s the best way to learn something, you know.

For instance, here’s a freebie.

2^n doubles as n increases from 0 to infinity. If the value of 2^n - m, as it maps from input to output, is deterministic, unique, computationally fast, and modulo irreversible, it provides the fundamental building block of the aforementioned blockchain, and all that is is a string of such values connected in a way that is similarly immutable.

A peer of mine claims to have figured out a way to turn this into the most valuable virtual currency in history, but I’m skeptical because the dude is an outright genius, but also a bit kooky. Takes one to know one…I sure wish I’d invented this shit, sadly, my crypto expertise is 99% dedicated to protecting the critical infrastructure of the United States, and 1% dedicated to IT support for a wife, 2 kids, and an aging father with an Ipad.

Telling you all right now…watch this guy, because if he wins his $4B pound lawsuit, BTC’s value is going to do …something big. He’s coming after Silicon Valley for all the right reasons, too.

“I want you to think about how we are going to change the cancer that is the internet, because of Silicon Valley. (…) today’s cancerous evil Twitter based Silicon Valley that people don’t even realize is corrupting everything in society as they own you. They prostitute you for your data. We are going to give your data back,” said Dr. Craig Wright.

That’s your fantasy as a white belt.

I was a professional judo instructor. You?

White belt

4eva and eva.

Seriously though, I am going back to Princeton BJJ this month and hopefully that blue belt is coming swiftly, possibly this summer.

After that I plan to sandbag Princeton Judo. They won’t know what hit them.

Professional choke artist.

I still mine a couple bucks a day just for funsies and also to offset costs from not running ads here a tiny bit.

You have not competed enough at anything to choke up. Besides maybe video games?

Thank god.

I can’t forget the name of some of the shady bitcoin vangelis you’re linked to, but

I forgot.

Two currencies I’ve been hearing about lately are COW and BML. Anyone got any T on them?

Hey guys, yes I’m a new member, but a mighty fine fellow.

So how are many of you basing your Crypto worthiness? Of course most folks read the latest crypto craze and jump on it at least briefly, but how are some of the more informed members actually ranking the different crypto’s and why? How are you guys ranking longevity and actual likelihood of being used in the long term as a viable option for trading / purchase / investment?

Well, that depends. Is burying ammo in a plastic wrapped coffee can considered crypto enough?

What kind of plastic?

So I’m going to give a shot at setting up a Lightning node, this weekend.

Oh, I’m just kidding. If I were to attempt such a thing I’d probably buy UN rated HDPE containers if I could find them and then wrap the lid with polyurethane weather sealant. Ammo is too expensive to risk ground water so I’d have to be pretty desperate in any case.

This is an interesting experiment though. Low cost practical survival jackassery. As a test I might see if what happens if I drop a box of .22 cartridges into a coffee can with a whole damn box of saran wrap polyvinyl around it. Or I would if I was planning on being here next year.

Further thread derail-

Not that you need a plastic dryer but, some plastics are better than others for stashing things in the ground.

This thread took a surprising turn.

I built my first mining rig today .

I had used NiceHash to have 4 pc’s mine independently but decided to start putting a rig together in my office for fun.

The idea was that if I manage to get it all working ok I’ll get a proper frame and shit then just keep adding a card every month and mining ravencoin which is tipped for big things next year apparently .

I don’t really care about making money at this point I’m just enjoying being a nerd and chances are I’ll break even in a year when I get bored and sell all the cards .

Also all the software and phone system at work is now cloud based so we have no use for our physical server anymore .

So I’m upgrading that to maybe do some mining but mostly to host Minecraft , maybe Ark and whatever other games are easy to host on it .

Just to clarify when I say “mining rig” I just installed 3 risers and 3 GPU’s on a pc in my office with the risers powered by a separate psu with a splitter to connect to the pc’s psu so they come on and off at the same time .

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This is an admirable goal. I have run Minecraft and OpenSim servers for the kids, keeps them from the turrible turrible world of online.

Didn’t get my lightning node up, yet, maybe tomorrow.

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