
Just because you all on the internet don’t like what I’m doing with my brain or don’t follow it doesn’t mean I don’t have one.

Care to crack open my scull and see it, or would you rather we just pull down our pants and get rulers?

Your logic qi is constipated.

One last question…

What is your opinion on prison rape and/or anal penetration?

From the reading and the network of martial artists I had before I got here.

A beloved of mine was a martial artist and uses it in the 82nd airborn.

Oh, and thanks DP. I’ll be sure to search for that book later.

I have no real opinion on that. If I went to prison I would hope to be the mistress rather than the bitch but I can take either one for a short time.

IF any form of consent is involved, I have no problem with either, personally or universally.

I have about 20 movements a day, especially when I’m on the rag, I doubt I am all that constipated.


We should bring JFS to this thread. He enjoys smacking around the mouthboxers, right?

Shouldn’t this be in trollshido by now?

No prob, at least someone got something out of this thread.

You know, I was thinking the exact same thing. From reading JFS’s posts, I think he’d have plenty of fun. And the trollshido thing as well. 7 pages and still no trollshido…

You’re the one who brought it up, I just took it to the…LOGICAL conclusion.

Damn, that logic.

I am sincere, and so, not a troll. So people don’t know how to react to me? I can’t control that. I asked for honesty, not abuse and censorship.

And to think you’re one of the less troglydite folks on this thread. wishes wholeheartedly to die right now

Could you Please use the quote button, so we know what the hell you’re talking about within a context? It’s not difficult, just click the thing that says “quote” on the post. I’m not sure if it would make your ramblings any clearer, though.

You’re not being censored, just ridiculed for your perverse worldview.

Holy crap she’s gone…
I’m going to bed now before she gets back and gangs up with Chrono to astral combat me.

Good idea, on both accounts. I’m sleepy, too sleepy.

No mods around, eh? I’m always up at this hour, they should make me a mod… :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder if I can e-mail Dan Dennett and get him to read your stuff. That’d be hilarious. :slight_smile:

Seriously, you come in here posting that you don’t like certain martial arts because their cultures are misogynist, and then when we tell you that this is true of the one listed in your style field and martial arts in general (because most world cultures are fairly misogynist) you get all defensive. Hey, if Asian MA are not your bag, that’s great. Wonderful. But don’t truss up your dislike of them with cutesy PC reasons like “they don’t empower women.” The question here is not materialism versus mysticism, or logic versus emotion, or whatever. It’s just clear thinking against muddy thinking, objectivity against pomo garbage that never looks any deeper than the surface.

I’d have a lot more respect for you if you simply said “Hey, I don’t like wearing a gi and calling my teacher sensei, so I’m not going to do Japanese martial arts. Boxing and wrestling for the win!” But you had to make your choice of martial arts into a political statement, and that’s stupid.

Fuck off strangler…

Witty catchphrases aside, I am having trouble getting the point of many of your posts. I think you are being deliberately obtuse, so you can claim mental supiriority and state that we don’t understand your posts.

Some minor points.

Mostly,capoaria is bullshit. In the slight chance that the school you have chosen isn’t bullshit, we would like to know. You can help us out beforehand by stating what the school is called and where it is. It is very likely that a member of bullshido has attended, or at least heard of said school.

I am sorry you find asian MA’s misogynistic from you experience. In the case of Chinese MA’s I would assert the opposite. There have been many female masters of Kung Fu in folklore as it there are in the future. You would then probably assert the only way they could have learned such arts, would be “subbmitting to the man”. You would, naturally, be mostly incorrect in this assertion.

I now have some questions that I would like to answer in point form.

  1. What do you want out of your martial arts training?

  2. How much time are you willing to spend on it?

  3. How is your physical fitness?
    a. If you already are in decent physical condition, what steps will you take to improve upon?maintain said condition?
    b. if your physical condition is lsub-par, what step are you planning to improve upon said fitness? May I remind you that showing up twice a week and training 1 an hour in class is not enough, I learned this the hard way.

  4. Could you please be more obtuse? We don’t like it when people explain things properly.

no re

Oh… And where is JKDchick? Baring the devine, I don’t think anybody better to put her (Miss Cleo) in her place, better than Bullshido’s own anti-feminist-feminist.

No this is not a come on…

Oh damn, can someone spell pseudo-intellectualism? Cleo, stop trying to get all introspective and wax philosophical. Youre not the Socrates of our age, so quit with the:

Allmy intuitions come from science, I just refuse to act like a whitebread american or a yellow-bellied asian and deny the deeper truth contained in the facts and assertions of scientific method and practice.

I have tunnel vision, but that is because the universe appears to be one huge tunnel to me.


The machine is filled with life but needs none of it. You do not either or you would not have thought of ending it. He pulled you back because he saw you could still help others if you wished to, because you were a tremendously powerful vehicle for information, but if you had gone on your merry way, others like him, like me, would have picked up your slack.

So, should you try again,do not hesitate to succeed, if the pain or boredom becomes to great for you.

Just to name a few. Anyway, quick search brings up the initial discussion had here about Cap, and, while definitely good for fitness, its not the most effective form of self defence. So if ya wanna learn to defend yourself, swallor your pride and drag your “half a greek goddess, half a viking, and suspiciously mestiza” (Insult to my culture) self to something practical. (Not saying anything on fear of nutriderage, but given your abhorrence of the traditional and racist view of asian martial arts, maybe kickboxing or something?)