Chiropractic is dumb and so are you for using it

Welcome and I’m sorry.

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Thanks for making an excellent thing!

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That’s not the thread structure.

If you want some evidence based exercise advise check out barbell medicine. It’s made by two MDs who were powerlifters and they have other medical experts who are coaches as well.

They also talk about this issue


Dude, kickass. Also, welcome. That is what we need. Health advice from doctors instead of good looking idiots with access to steroids and HGH.

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I don’t have anything against the idea that vertebrae can squish nerves running through them when in weird positions and when the discs get dehydrated and that this can cause pain and maybe other problems.

At the same time I worry with such a central focus that they will be too prone to viewing this as the central cause of problems which may have a more prominent cause.

I’m sure hanging a minute or two on my inversion table would at least temporarily fix some of my back pain, for example (I really neglect using that thing) but at the same time I also think a more prominent cause of my pain is getting an average of 3 hours of sleep and feeling constantly stressed out by recurring noises. Would a chiropractor see that, or try to make it 99% about my posture?

Posture I think does help reduce pain but we shouldn’t deify it.

Of course it is a double standard.
Both the chiropractic and psychology disciplines are pseudo-scientific quackery.

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Because it is pseudo-scientific crap, not far removed from palm reading or horoscopes or theology driven models that served the same role forever.

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A dogmatic one sided argument. An us good them bad thang. Where do we draw the line? The claims that bent spines are the source of various illnesses is held by a tiny minority of chiropractors, in my experience. I have been to many chiropractors, and a few only once, as they were fools.

My friend Roger and his brother have a genetic vertebrae injury. His brother went to a top hospital, and ended up with operations and a steel rod. And is very limited physically. Roger was a hippy and got massage and body work, did weight training and being impressed with his experience, became a chiropractor. A very gentle deep muscle work type more than snap it in type. And in his late 60s, lifts, bikes, skis, and when l last asked how was his back, he said fighting as hard as he could. l know one example doesn’t prove much, but it’s true example.

And is all body work bullshit, unless done by MDs or those trained in Western medical traditions? I am in my 70s and have had body work in several states, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, etc and over and over l found that they often, after a few minutes did very similar techniques to problem areas. I have also had various PT, the best being an Kenyan trained PT at the Mayo Clinic, who was outside the box, changing techniques depending on how l was doing with C treatments.

After a bike accident, I spent some time in the hospital. My orthopedic doctor was a sports injury specialist, a 6’5" athlete, college football player, top rack tennis player, skier, and so forth. His advice was PT, massage, and a certain chiropractor. I Learned that this chiropractor worked also for Utah State University’s women’s volleyball team which had been first or second in the nation in those days. And the doc had been going there for years. I wanted surgery for a herniated disc and he said no, that is a last resort when you can’t function.

He himself smoothly put ribs in and adjusted my frame. He is an expert that surprised me by recommending a chiro.

Henry Okazaki was historically an important martial artist, having left Hawaii to practice in 50+ dojos in Japan, and cross trained in Hawaiian Lua, Filipino Escrima, Boxing etc. And credited with being the first to teach Japanese JJ and Judo to non Japanese.
But he made his living from his Restorative Massage studio.
Among the most famous of his patients were FDR, Shirley Temple, George Burns, and Olympic athlete and actor Johnny Weissmuller. He was not a doctor, and didn’t train Western med. Is he bs, too?

There are ridiculous claims made by some chiros, true, but many are expert body workers. That’s why the US Olympic team once threatened a strike unless chiropractors were made part of the med team.
The best body work clinic in Hilo is a family, one a PT, one a masseuse, and one a chiropractor.
That the medical establishment ridiculed
the doctor who claimed bacteria caused ulcers for 20+ years. Then he won the Nobel… Dogmatism is shortsighted.

Psychiatry and psychology are very real medical disciplines but they’re difficult due to the lack of deep knowledge about the function of the brain.

The brain is extremely complicated. We can see all the hardware but we’re only playing go fish with the operating system.

Psychology is deeply flawed in many places but quackery if applied to the entire endeavor is a stretch. Clinical, research and industrial psychology has produced very compelling evidence and substantial results in many different public and private industries.

The problem is that it relies on things that cannot be accurate measured when the patient is not being directly observed. Even with that, given the nature of the brain, that tolerance is too great to treat some pathologies.

Psychiatry and neurology are very real things that produce very real results like brain surgery and anti-psychotic medicines that keep some people sane enough to do basic self care instead of smearing shit on the walls and tossing their kids off the overpass because they realized Jr was the anti-christ. Shit like that happens when certain very sick people go off their meds.

Name one other medical discipline where they prescribe an organ altering medicine without a physical objective laboratory test, with well confirmed diagnostic results, such as an x-ray for bone fracture, or MRI for brain tumor, or CBC with differential for leukemia.
You can’t.
Their disciplines are as backwards as medieval barbers,

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Man, that’s how a lot of post modern medicine was for a very, very long time and still is in many places.

For example, this hydroxychoroquine gambit that turned out not to work at all except in very limited cases while broad prescriptions stayed very common and the President of the US himself repeatedly told people it was working when the leaders of the AMA, CDC and Surgeon General was saying it didn’t.

Damn minimum character post limit.

That was pure political, anti-Trump crap.
Whether, and where, it works, or does not, or might not, is much more nuanced.
But all of the anti-HCQ crap was for the most part anti-science, in a fast moving epidemic, and a political response, to Trump saying it had potential as a prophylactic.
Which is why, some peer reviewed articles, saying same, where retracted, from some top peer reviewed medical journals.
It was jerk off, by jerk offs, for jerking off.

And there are many many more.

All kinds of drugs that never worked at all or did things wildly different than the manufacturer said it did.

Fucking hydrocodone, barbituates and oxycontin are great examples.

Meanwhile if you want a tumor pulled out of your head you need a neurologist on your treatment team or you odds of survival go way down. If you want to treat schizophrenia without psychoactive drugs or therapy, you have basically no chance in hell of a good prognosis.

Psychiatry is what happens when medical guesswork meets medical necessity. It’s far more advanced than medieval barbers today, though my grandpa used to have a medical textbook from the late 19th century and it was filled with crazy easily discredited shit compared to the occasional easily discredited shit we have today.

These are Great, and medically useful therapies, in their right context.

Life and sanity savers for people with certain pathologies for sure just most of them went to the wrong place thanks to "pain clinics"and quacks that treat patients like walking money trees.

Say the other side, to be balanced.
Bath day, in the burn unit, is a thing.
And so are a lot of other disease states.
Look, dummies.
You have been lied to, about the Opioid epidemic.
Just like reefer madness.
Every year, the head of the CDC goes in front of Congress, and says, “almost all the opioid deaths are not pain patients, but illegal fentanyl, carfentanyl, heroin, etc, for off label, and criminal use.”
So, facts, and specifics matter.

Speak about Pot, you are the expert.
Maybe, you should change, how you speak, about the areas, where you don’t know what the fuck, you are talking about.

Not a small population.