BULLSHIDO: Kendo self-defense clip for women (against a "fully resisting" opponent)

It’s just the stupid woman empowerment thing. Coupled with the deadly nut grab defense, it ends up just becoming crap.

Are you stupid or something?

It has nothing to do with empowering women.

It’s Japanese gang rape porn!

How the hell does that empower women?!?

So you’re offended by my comment about what I feel to be strange eating habits, but you leave out my stereotyped comment about Canadians? That seems a little ethnocentric of you, jumping to the defense of the habits of one ethnic group, but allowing my other comment to be swept under the carpet. I can’t find a smilie that says “You’re a jerk-off” so I’ll just use this one instead: :byewhore:

No one said anything about my link!

It’s such a good link!

That’s because it made me so angry! It’s rascist against people who are every race except black who drink out of jugs on couches covered in plastic! You’re a rascist! You should be put into an oven with Mel Gibson and cooked until tender! This is an outrage that I just can’t let go by! What kind of a martial artist would I be if I didn’t defend the rights of people to go onto websites and not be confronted with other peoples thought and opinions? You are a FUCKTARD!

Nut grab? she twisted his penis!

Who said I was offended?

I love octopus legs.

… yes I am asian.

Tako sucks. Saba FTW!

I couldn’t even make heads or tails of this one.

You lost me in sentence two when you killed the english language.

I want to beat someone up with a shinai, this is the second shinai armed female versus male video I’ve seen and i think it’s hilarious. The other one is a “felony fights” vid which is horribly terrible, the guy winds up getting bit into submission.

But yeh, I wanna do this, Someone get on the horn and make it happen.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm88EmlQ4hk Fast forward for the relevant section.

Yeah. Stopped watching that when she started biting. Hannibal Lecter, FTW!

And people claim that groin attack do not work… she sure proves it wrong !!! Ouch!


You been in my DVD collection again!!!:new_vampv

why with a shinai ? Shinai don’t hurt that much hence the ability for the guy in the vid being able to contnue fighting…

now a bokken would be better that would be hardcore !

Of course even less people are willing to test that…

seeing these videos you have to wonder why all the protection in kendo ? It’s obvious one hit with a shinai doesn’t do much damage and the Kendo I have seen is kind of a tag game anyway.

She clearly enjoyed that last bit.

That’s ethnocentric of you! How do you think that makes me feel? I come from a group of people who don’t use english in our sentences very properly and often; don’t use the correct punctuation at the right places or the right speling of words. You’ve tottalyy offended me and everyone one like me with your stupid remark!
You should take off your sunglasses of hate, which cloud your vision with only hatred, and put on the crystalline goggles of cultural relativism, which will bring the redemptive powers of love and understanding, magnified through their flux capcitor, into your mind, transforming it into an expansive metaphor for peace.

One of the youtube replies was this:

Guys, this was not a contest. It was staged.

Combative porn rape is actually a genre in Japanese porn. They have Muay Thai rape, Brazilian jujutsu rape, MMA rape, Judo rape, Karate rape…so, seriously, this is nothing to get worked up over. It’s porn, not self-defence.

BLECH. So this is some kind of soft-core fetish thing?

This has already been pointed out by the knowledgable DerAuslander.