BULLSHIDO: Kendo self-defense clip for women (against a "fully resisting" opponent)

Read post #16 geniuses.

I teach Kendo and I find two things wrong with that video. She is using a shinai and he has nothing on his hands and feet. If he has his “weapons” uncovered she should be using a live katana. Another problem is that they should have picked a man kendoka.

Konosan, you seem to be implying that the scales should be tilted even further in her favor.

I would like to disrespectfully submit that you are a fucking moron.

(Hey, just trying to fit in! :wink:

you don’t take issue with her failure to maintain distance and beat the tar out of the guy?

With all the other guys standing there in their underwear, i sensed bukkake in the making.

how could it possibly be porn. I didn’t see any naked chicks getting it on with each other.

Your sarcasm is a little hard to pick up without emoticons…

And failing miserably.

Basically what happens in these vids is some girl takes on challenger #1 and beats him.

She then takes on challenger #2 and beats him.

Then challenger #3 gets into the ring, beats her, rapes her, and then all the other guys get in on it.

The Japanese are wierd.

so basically this is really a japanese rendition of Ike and Tina Turner having sex? :happy9:

Pretty much.

Which is why I keep laughing at everyone here and on YouTube trying to analyze this from a self-defense standpoint.

The guys being in their underwear was a pretty big tip off.

Also the fact that the camera kept changing angles.

Also, it being Japanese probably should have been a big tip off.

Why did you have to spoil the magic for us Aus ?

This video once again proves with out a shadow of a doubt that the japanese are the wierdest people on earth.

thats it, i’m getting a helmet and stripping down. I want japaneese women to touch my penis.

No shit. go to a sushi restaraunt. They eat like the fuckin alien in enemy mine. Who thought of cutting off an octopuses legs and serving it cold on a gummy little ball of rice.
As for the video, I loved the part where she started to punch him in his helmet. Obviously she’s a trained assasin. I think she’s been watching too much hockey, ay? Also, if this is japanese is porn, shouldn’t there be condoms on the swords?:ky: :spanky:

Sorry, bro.

Someone with an exquisite sense of taste.

Anyone else with any stupid ethnocentric comments?



I’m Black Y’all?
Edit: Sorry, fixed the link

She grabbed and twisted his penis.