Antif-Ah not Trump Supporters Behind Capitol Attack

This is so ironic, coming from you.

No it’s not.

Apologize in PMs or offline or not at all.

What are you some limp wristed lefty?

Dude, you just wrote nobody should apologize on bullshido.

I, right, that’s a joke.

I hope you have an appointment with your psychiatrist next week booked.

Cult leaders merely give people under their control the permission they require to indulge in anti social or taboo behaviour

Manson didn’t make those people commit heinous acts, he selected people who had murder in their hearts and broke down their inhibitions

Even a wartime army only has a 25% success rate turning peaceful young men into murderers, and they’ve been doing it for ages


When it was the Dixie Chicks and some other left leaning people getting canceled, the right was for it and the left was screaming that it was an attack on free speech. Now the roles are reversed. So I guess it’s only a problem when your echo chamber gets canceled.

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Dude’s out here like “I’m a proud bullshitter and I refuse to apologize for my bullshit.” lol Rabbit.

It’s the truth.

Do you know what happens to a website where we are always polite and courteous and apologize for anything short of breaking someone’s nose?

False humility. Which if you know anything about social media, is a venomous honeypot.

I avoid such traps by staying true to myself, and so to others. You should try it sometime.

Unless you’re an Antifa plant, in which case watch out for Osiris, he’s a right wing death trooper with a mission.

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This smells like your opinion. I’ll expand more later but no, that’s not what Manson did.

That’s the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood version.

The Tarantino Effect.

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Apologize when you have wronged someone. And not in a debate forum where it can and will be used against you later on.

You are a prime specimen of that.

Apologizing during a debate? No, You just lost it. End of line. No debate.

Otherwise, the title of this thread is verifiably bullshit. So where’s our apology?

Fyi I like flowers, but prefer dark chocolate.

Fucking WOOSH


Well I did predicate it with IMO, so, yeah

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Or, it is because our ability to predict, assess, or understand mental illness is very unreliable, and based largely on subjective pseudo-science.

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No you didn’t.

Maybe you forgot.

Where did you get this number?

Also, since when are soldiers murderers?

This really is the “Antifa did it!” Thread. Pretty vapid.

Have you ever given a clearly mentally ill homeless person a ride so they could go sit in a court room and be harangued for being so damn irresponsible?

Of course they’re irresponsible. They get up and argue with the wall in public spaces and ask for $20 dollars so they can call their old army buddy that helped them invent the nuclear bomb 20 years before they were alive.

Likely “On Killing”


“On Killing”. It’s a fairly famous treatise on the effectiveness of combat soldiers, though I believe it has been largely disproven with further research.

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Hypochondria is hard enough to diagnose, and that is primarily using actual proven science to diagnose there is actually nothing wrong with a person.

Diagnosing a mental illness, ex-post-facto, when “faking” mental illness is of actual benefit meets first with healthy and natural skepticism. Then secondly runs up on the human desire for vengeance.

Nevermind that when people can believe in invisible sky beings that control fate, lizard people that are secretly running the world, and a flat earth it becomes increasingly harder to draw a line between “normative” and “abnormal”.

Adding to that even abnormal does not mean that their reasoning was impaired to the point that they were not cognizant of the illegality of their actions and their consequences. Jon Dupont is a good example. Everyone around the man knew he was crazy. Some ignored it and others enabled it all for the same reason($$$). However, he knew what he was doing was illegal, and he knew the consequences of his actions.

He just bet on his influence with the local PD being enough to get him out of it(almost was) and if not, being able to claim his obvious Paranoid delusions as a legal defense.

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Yes I did

Maybe you forgot