Another Martial Artist Arrested: Trent Young, "Iron Tiger" Arrested for...

Well, here’s evidence that a dozen years ago there was a professor (“reader”) of criminology at Brunel University–in the law department:"elizabeth+a.+stanko"+brunel&source=bl&ots=EPNdgA9CT7&sig=XAVEcBO01V3HaLiKCr6Lrkix5v8&hl=en&ei=UGepTPHLJMH7lwfi1dT_DA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CDwQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q="elizabeth%20a.%20stanko"%20brunel&f=false

There are a few out there who do claim criminology degrees from Brunel University from a dozen or so years back: