Another Martial Artist Arrested: Trent Young, "Iron Tiger" Arrested for...

MIDDLETOWN, N.Y. – A New York City police officer has been arrested on charges of raping a 15-year-old girl, authorities said.

"NYPD Officer Arrested On Rape Charges

Trent Young, 39, of Middletown, N.Y., was arrested in his home Thursday morning, police said. He faces charges of second-degree and third-degree rape.

Young teaches karate at the Iron Tiger Martial Arts Center in West Milford, N.J., and at his home. The girl was his student, police said. Young allegedly abused her in his home and at the martial arts center.

Police said the abuse started when the victim earned her green belt in 2005. That day, Young had the girl sign an oath of obedience and then took her to another room, where he told her to remove her clothes until she was naked, police said.

Young then sexually abused her, police said. After she put her clothes back on, Young told her it was all part of a test, according to police.

In 2006, Young allegedly pressured the girl to have sex, continuing to say that doing so was part of the oath, police said. Young and his alleged victim had intercourse between 20 and 40 times until October of 2007, police said.

Young told another female student, also 15, to remove her clothes as part of an oath, but she refused, investigators said.

According to the Iron Tiger Martial Arts Center’s Web site, Young taught in the New York City school system for seven years before joining the NYPD. The Web site also says he has trained thousands of students in martial arts.

Young was being held in Orange County jail.

The New York City Police Department declined comment Friday, but Middletown police said Young has been with the NYPD for nine years and worked in the 26th Precinct in upper Manhattan.

In New Jersey, Passaic County Prosecutor James Avigliano said his office had no information about the case.

a cop and a kiddie bonker? he’s going to get ganked in prison

a cop and a kiddie bonker? he deserve it.

Now he’ll really find out wheter he can do the deadly krotty or not.

I’m about to sound like an anti smoking commercial, but here goes.

If someone lies to get a position of authority, it means that they will have the kind of personality more prone to abuse. Therefore, I posit that Bullshido practitioners are more apt to harm their students or abuse their trust beyond simply teaching them crap fighting and training. Giving them false confidence about fighting is bad enough. But I would also imagine that there is a strong correlation between Bullshido and taking advantage of a student be it emotionally, financially, sexually, what have you.

I am curious how the girl supposedly had sex with him 20-40 on every different occasion and this is called rape.

Sounds like a regular friends with benefits thing to me. Or students with benefits in this case.

Because 1) she is below the age of consent in the state of New York. 2) Because he used pressure tactics to get sex.

If she’s 15 it’s statutory rape, even if she did consent. Also it sounds here as if she was tricked, if not forced, ie. calling sex a ‘loyalty test’ or whatever; she was probably scared, confused or whatever, even if she wasn’t forced physically. .

I think this is their site.

"Classes are headed by Master Trent Young, with over 27 years of experience. He is a 5th Degree Black Belt in Shotokan, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, Tae Kwon-Do, and Kurosh-Do. He began his study of martial arts at the age of eleven.

He is a graduate of Brunel University, London England, MA of Criminology with honors. He was a New York City School teacher for seven years and is currently a New York City police officer.

Master Young has trained thousands of students. Those using his methods on planning, discipline, respect, and motivation have become great role models in our society."

Looks like bullshido, too. You know, on top of the rape charges and all that.

Kurosh-do? WTF is that?

Like was said before- he will have his Kurosh pushed in. Lots.
The more the bullshido, the more they believe their own bullshido- even to this level. I’m sure he felt all justified to himself as he was soooo used to lying. There lies another danger of bullshido I would have to agree. Nasty too, becuase no criminal records check would have picked that risk factor up usually- he was a cop. I wonder how many other kids he got to that way. Just makes you sick huh?

I worked in a correctional facilty for nearly five years…and I remember the only people doing time who were “lower on the food chain” than ex-Correction/Police Officers were child rapists. This dude is BOTH…he’s “Hit!”

He’s a fifth degree black belt in each of those arts? I smell bullshit. Secondly the text on his website is poorly written. The grammar is a bit off. If he wrote the text himself I am suspicious of his university background.

Does anyone else see other prisoners randomly yelling, " Loyalty test!" at him in the shower?
“Hey. do you think that guy’s loyal?”
“Naw, he looks real disloyal”

I swear if I had a daughter and someone did that to her I would kill them and I would happily take the jail time.

It says “a school like none other” on their website - well, sounds like that…

Rape as part of a belt test - the hidden oriental secret.

Don’t kill them man, even most criminals have morals, that include not harming children (raping little girls is about the bottom). This dude is going to have his ass torn to pieces, hurray!

I love the “rapists are the lowest of the low so I’m going to rape you” prison mentality.

Well, I suppose if they were smart they wouldn’t be doing bird…

Lu Tze, or someone else from the U.K. could you do me a big favor and call his university in the UK and see if he indeed graduated from there with an honors degree in criminal justice?