Anatomy of a Catastrophe

I agree, for the most part.

But look I go so far back. I worked the g20 protests.

Video for reference. I am not in it.

What measures are the police down there allowed to use?

Technically or actually.

Back in the day without camera phones all of the measures short of killing someone. They mostly fought people or used bats.

These days (I train with cops) it is guns tazers bats and pepper spray.

Mostly spray and tazers. Generally before going hands on. Then it is PPCT garbage.

Otherwise we had dogs at one point which was fun. But because they only have one speed and were a bit awkward to use in a riot. And we worked a thousand capacity club. So that riot was every weekend.

Fixed it with ram muzzles.

And so kyle Rittenhouse should have taken a Malanoi rather than a bang stick.

This thing.

Is the tits.

Dogs do make quite an impression, and some of them have bite that is equal to, or exceeds their bark.
Mine only has three legs now, so she is more of a lover, these days.

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Speaking of interesting. How they train dogs for self defense.

Also the sort of interesting places you can get ideas from almost unrelated disciplines. If someone suggested self defence psychology. How likely is it you would turn to a dog trainer?

Interesting question.
I don’t know much about training attack or police dogs.

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It takes an Obama and a Biden to make Clinton look good.

You are just engaging in you stupid fucking ignorant mindless trolling again. Par for the course.