Anatomy of a Catastrophe

This line of “scumbag,” argument is a waste of time. Rittenhouse didn’t know the credentials of those he shot, he just knew that they were trying to beat the life out of him.

It’s just a happy coincidence that they were actual scumbags that should have been put down by society long beforehand.

Yeah. But that is because you teach via dogma and I respond more to critical thinking style arguments

You still don’t understand that the criteria for expert is made up in our minds. Especially in this case because their is no expert in shooting people in a riot.

So instead we play the Wing chun linage game. And use straight up bullshido. You can put a gun together. I have bashed about a thousand guys. You are American. I am a Pisces. None of it applies in any authoritive way because the subject is so vague.

So for the younger view who want to learn something. If someone cannot play the ball and has to play the man. That is a massive red flag.

This happens even when a person is a normal sensible human being. Scientists can belive in God. Go straight from scientific method to theist without skipping a beat.

And it is cultural rather than intellectual. When people work from this top heavy systems the level of unquestioned bullshit increases.

And guns and self defence are by definition top heavy. They come from top heavy structures. You don’t get to call bullshit in the Army. You don’t get to call bullshit in the security industry.

A mate of mine just did his recruitment training in the Army. His self defence instructor had on a overhead projector his resume. There is this unnecessary importance placed on image to sell a product that should be sold via demonstratable effect.

It is a huge blind spot you can’t see.

It depends what you are trying to achieve. We had a really interesting conversation about “skin in the game” and I though it would have something to do with an actual connection to, well basically anybody involved.

But the connection is if you own guns then you are invested in the narrative.

Hero scumbag killer works better for you than takes guns to town and fucks up. If you are trying to market guns as a societal benefit.

That is a collective you this time.

It’s a tough call. I have been on the side of “he shouldn’t have been there, but acted appropriately.” However, as a former volunteer in our military, that chose to put himself in harm’s way for the betterment of society, there’s a little bit of tongue-in-cheek, there. I enlisted at 17 (yes, you can do that, here, with parental consent).

The more I think about it, the more I applaud Rittenhouse. Mind you, this happened in the midst of a wide amount of misguided protest that put cops at risk of life, limb, and employment.

Yeah, ditto. I tend to go batman from time to time as well. But I accept it is kind of dumb and wouldn’t want other people to follow suit.

You already have , twice :joy:

You again project and over-generalize.
And your comment has nothing to do with me, nor is it accurate.

No doofus.
Expertise in many technical and scientific domains is not by self-identification.
Nor by ignorant lay people buying into bogus self-marketing claims.

This is the type of claim that makes you seem silly.
Were they trained?
Did they know it was coming?
Were they drunk?

Not always, it is appropriate when pointing out frauds, idiots, and incompetents.

You have no idea what others see, or don’t.
Your own vision is limited by your lack of experience, education, and various intelligences or aptitudes.

What expertise can you demonstrate, again?
You have been asked several times,
And so far, never answered.
You project about others, your defining characteristic, on this forum.
You talk a bunch of shit, have no real expertise, nor ability, nor understanding, about the areas you often opine on, as if to imply that you did.

Was bouncing your primary occupation for that 20 years, or a side gig?

Scientology wants its arguments back.

Ok. The way non cult word talking works is I make a claim. And you refute it or whatever. And we both do our best to support that claim in context.

Not you battering home some self imposed authority over everyone because you are insecure.

To be clear, this is not a trap.
I am trying to see if there are areas where I might find you interesting, or you might have useful expertise, that I would find interesting, or useful.

Primary. I don’t advise it as a career.

That is one of many forms of dialogue, including many other forms of very useful dialogue.

Never had a desire to get behind the bar?

There are no areas you will find me interesting. I am not to your advantage.

You might be.
An interest in your local flora or fauna would do it.
Or countless other hobbies.

I got into it trying to be a hard cunt because I thought that is what cool kids did.

I got good at it. So that’s what I did.

Yeah, that is why a lot of people do it.

Have a cockatoo

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They shouldn’t.

Very cool!
(twelve characters)