Anatomy of a Catastrophe

Dc dust is that black Paul blart looking guy. So two different dudes.

Sorry detroit dust.

Oh. Look I messed up the name so therefore I can’t suggest they are garbage because I am not a detroit dust expert. Or American or look like Paul blart.

Oh well I guess we will just have to accept what he is saying as gospel then.

Collective you of the people who are desperately trying to protect gun branding because of their skin in the game.

But also specifically you.

You are again a moron. And a weak troll.
As stated above, I am not much of an AR guy.
I am a shot gun, lever rifle, bolt action rifle kind of guy, as well as air rifles.
However, as also stated above, proper nomenclature is appropriate when discussing technical disciplines, scientific disciplines, and engineering disciplines.
Firearms are an engineering domain of mechanical engineering, physics, chemistry, aerodynamics, and trigonometry.
Using improper nomenclature in technical, or scientific, or engineering domains, is simply ignorance.
It has nothing to do with branding, you dunce.

No, the reason you should be cautious about opining about whether self-defense techniques might work, or on firearms matters, is because you don’t know jack shit in those areas.

You are a lower belt BJJ student, who plays airsoft, and like a lot of people, worked at a bar.

The reason you should be cautious about making strongly worded opinions about what America should do, is because you don’t shit about what America should do.

You’re not an American, you don’t live here.

I have rarely met someone stupider than you, that did not qualify for medical benefits and social services because of it.

For extra fun, Kevin James, the actor who plays the “Paul Blart” character, would almost certainly whip your ass in grappling, or MMA.

James, aka “Blart” was a top tier wrestler in high school, who played football in college, and who has training in submission grappling, and done MMA training.

My money is on the guy who looks just like Paul Blart because he is the actor that played Paul Blart, Kevin James, whipping your ass pretty handily, if he chose to.

Which, again, shows how ignorant you are, when you say these stupid things, you say.

He’s a well-spoken young man with a good sense of humor, that is going to law school. We could do worse…

You forgot to add:

…and metes out justice on low life scumbags.

But yeah, Rittenhouse for Supreme Court Justice.

Meh, he didn’t know the varied criminal histories of his assailants, at the time. I would like to think that if he did, he would have been more subdued in his “prosecution.” On the other hand, I’ve never been skull stomped and hit repeatedly in the head with a skateboard.

There goes that assuming thing again, I never said anything about their histories. They were scumbags for attacking him. The fact that they had scumbag history is a bonus.

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Oh, I’m not allowed to attack people, especially without provocation? You blaspheme, good sir. Check your privilege.

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Oh you mean like Zimmerman or David Hogg?


He said “clip”.


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Rittenhouse spent I think 87 days in jail, after trying to surrender himself to authorities. Alec Baldwin was still tweeting until yesterday, I think, when his publicist and/or legal team finally convinced him to delete his account. 1 of these things is not like the other.


The are probably technically hoppers.

Gum Machine Gun! It has a hopper.


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You are an expert on missing the point.

We are not discussing technical disciplines , scientific disciplines, and engineering disciplines.

We are discussing a guy who went to a protest and shot some other guys.

Understanding gun data is pointless trivia in this context. Being a bjj purple belt is irrelevant. Worrying whether I can either beat DC dust guy or Paul blart in a fight probably more an indication of your insecurity than anything. And this kick you have about non Americans not being able to comment about Rittenhouse is just straight up weird.

Having a background in security and having been in a few protests and riots might be worth while. At least that would be relevant to the discussion.

But otherwise I would advise you go back and try to understand the subject a bit more so that you can have more effective conversation. Rather than just ranting and raving like you are doing now.

Or at least learn to banter a bit better. You are starting to come across as some sort of triggered millennial.

I never said I thought you were capable of doing so.

Incorrect, you have made false claims of expertise regarding self defense expertise in the past, because you “worked at a bar”, and false claims of firearm expertise because you play airsoft games.

This is exactly what several people on this thread have been advising you to do.
I find your projection a little humorous, or pathetic, I can’t decide which.

You are in no position, to advise the United States nor Americans, what they should do regarding gun policies.
You are an ignoramus, and an oaf, who lives in Australia.
Who has a habit of speaking out of his ass, and saying ridiculous things.

The problem is that self defence and firearms expertise is such an unquantifiable joke as to allow me to honestly make those claims.

The tragedy is how much importance you are placing on these superficial labels. But you are steadfastly image over substance.

It is Ironically bullshido of the highest order.

You are confused, my poor, stupid, Donk.

You believing and stating that you can honestly making those claims of having self-defense and firearms expertise,

because you worked in a bar, are a purple belt in Jiu-Jitsu, and you play airsoft,

Are textbook Bullshido of the highest order.

Again, projection on your part to an ridiculous degree.

You are in no position to do the same then. Because we are both in the same position.

I can say do this. You can say go fuck yourself.

There is no arbiter of who can and cannot give advice to whoever on the internet.

Placing yourself as the arbiter of who can and cannot advise Americans on gun policy makes you appear to not be in touch with reality. That you have created this fantasy which conveniently puts you in charge of random internet posters.

Nice for you and I hope you are happy. But just because it is your fantasy doesn’t make it mine.