A Korean touch of death!

I will join a Shotokan dojo in the summer. My father doesn’t have free sparring in his school (which I want) but wants to grade me. So I can do both.

I am curious to see if those deep stances they train in have any effect on your legs in general.

And I want to try something new.

Hands up to protect your head.

And whats that saying?
We dont rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.

If you are already defending yourself with physical violence then your intentions are already stated. Stop worrying about what they are thinking. Put your hands up and fucking run after you’ve kicked him.

In fairness, some skilled kickers keep their hands down.
It drives me nuts, but we are getting into religious arguments.
And there are competing paths and methods to fitness, in non-transitive mathematical games, such as Rock Paper Scissors, as well as others.
Such being the mathematics and physics of domains of Complexity, as well as Chaos.
Under conditions of uncertainty, sometimes with a Fog of War, to boot.

Some are head hunters. It is of this group I warn of. Being one albeit never that good as to be a standout. I love the old TKD way of practicing with hands down because never going to get hit there. Or modern MMA ruleset.

More crayons for the gallery?

@User89 You seem to be more attentive to snap of the kick than the kick itself. You’re keeping your hands down is a good way to get clocked.

But you keep switching the goalposts and send one kick videos at will. You were known for that before here.


I saw a random internet guy make a case for a guard not being all that important. And he showed the multiple elite level fighters who don’t really have a good one.

And his argument was similar to Kit Dales pitch that timing is more efficient as a path to awesome fightingness than technique. (He also suggested things like distance management, angles and that sort of stuff)

So for kicks. You probably don’t need it as much as you need to be really good at kicking.

But then looking at the OP,s kick. It is pretty static and directly from fromt on. So finding his head shouldn’t really be that hard.

We do a lot of weird leans and funky angles when kicking specifically to try to make that counter strike miss.

But i don’t think it is a very commonly discussed piece of fight craft.

Offence vs defense? Isn’t that what we are talking about now?

I think it’s an extremely discussed topic,

if your going to attack you have to accept that your putting yourself out there to be countered if the attack fails, that’s the whole game from my point of view.

If op developed a kick that was fast, accurate and powerful enough he could probably keep his two hands where ever worked for him. But 99.999% won’t reach that level. And I don’t think @User89 is there yet.

And I also think he’s just trolling.

Not really. I am talking about defensive head movement for the kicker. Or how to land the kick and not be hit back.

I think talking about having the hands up is almost not discussing that subject. It is almost avoiding it and hoping your guard does the work.

I tried to jump on youtube and see if i could find a vid.

And no vid.

Doesn’t have tight hands. But is cutting that super sexy angle to protect himself.

I don’t think OP is trolling. I don’t think it gets openly discussed very often and so he probably has no clue defensive movement in to the kick is a thing.

One of the interesting things I found with the heavy bag is that the nr 1 determinative factor for power is how the foot lands, how far away do you stand, what angle does it hit from

These things are impossible to calculate in a real situation. You don’t get several kick trials. You will have to instinctively adjust if neccesary to get the impact you want.

Rotation also matters but there pros and cons to to this.

I land the shin pretty much exclusively anywhere I could conceivably hit a knee or an elbow. Because i really hate foot ouchies

Sometimes even you will need to hit with the foot, or else you’re limiting yourself to only one range

Not really. Except the head because i have trouble reaching it.

This is because i will move around and stuff before i kick people.

Work on your balance

You are using your arms to maintain your balance

How will you be able to punch or block if you’re waving your arms about?

Practice perfect form in slow motion, increase speed add power once the technique is flawless

You talking about the jeans clip? It’s a very standard arm position in Karate. A bit old school perhaps but nothing wrong with it.

I am using the arms to signal my hip to open up.

I am going very hard in the clip. All eggs in one basket.

This is a perfectly reasonable posture to throw a roundhouse in.

You really need to get out more if this looks controversial

That movement where he rotates his shoulders as well as his hips into the leg kick is how I was instructed to kick in Thai boxing.

arm on the kicking leg extends and the other curls up to defend your chin as you rotate. Adds power and gets the whole core involved. You can lean your trunk over to the opposite side of the of the kick to the degree you find is most effective, I think most people do it naturally with any roundhouse kick.

But that won’t stop you from taking a counter hit if your opponent is capable. Your always going to be leaning to the left with right kick and opposite on the other side. It is predictable movement. If you do something consistently people will catch on. And find ways to counter if they can.

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@Lant3rn when you kick someone in the body faster than their brain can react, they don’t do anything. They just freeze, eat it, and then realise that they’ve been hit.

I’ve done it.

It’s like slapping someone in the face. Exact same phenomenon.

You mean if you sucker punch/kick/slap someone?

I don’t think you should sucker punch/kick/slap people. Just walk away. If that’s an option.


He was on the last coastal combat. I actually got to see a couple of rounds of that fight

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Good point. Sparring tech is a different class in the school I came up in.

No sparring. I don’t need your advice.