34 MMA and Men's Style with Kin "Kong" Moy

You are NOT a peacemaker. You are either a de facto or actual social engineer. The larger abusers like Irvin do hire, but a lot of you all are community members, so it’s hard to tell.

Also, I’m not sure you want me to move on. You think you do, but that’s because you don’t know who I am. I can go off and do my current hobby if you’d like. I manage cyberwarfare campaigns, mainly against extortionists who attack people’s jobs via a digital lynch mob. They basically start twisting stuff and misrepresenting people online to get them fired, dehomed, and destroy their lives. I hunt down and identify those people and then they start having a bad time. For some reason people find it really fucking scary when a bunch of strangers are hunting them. It also seems to cause mental distress. Is that what I should be doing right now? Cause, I can go do that. Is that what you want?

Part of why its so vital to get the truth out there is because Plan A is to communicate the truth, and Plan B is a more vicious cyber-attack. It’d never be forgotten and people would weep. But you all WILL stop the cyber attack either way.

I think asking the actual witnesses about it makes sense. Why? Because there IS a bunch of BS on google, and I think getting the truth out is important.

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You dropped their names, not me hoss.
You do seem to be quite the name dropper.
And I am not that anonymous.

He seems to have been the subject of a money pinch as a condition of his promotion being recognized, after the fact,
and then the target of online harassment,
and then some asshole dropped dime on him, and being a black man with some things on him that are legal now, but weren’t then, he got unjustly and ridiculously chewed up by the State Machinery, and his family got damaged over it.
And this to a brave competitor in the grappling sports, who had proved himself, as such.
I am embarrassed how he was treated, and I don’t like when fighters get targeted for harassment or exploitation when their lives are usually already filled with enough demons.

I have never had trouble starting schools, running schools, and clubs, and training people up, regardless of taking controversial positions out of my own sense of conscious.

Black belts do not have to register on beltchecker.com, nor with the IBJJF.
Some of the black belts under my lineage do, and some choose not to.
Their choice, just because I am registered in those places does not mean that I require them to, nor presume to choose how they should think.

Anyone I promote is welcome to announce it, or not mention me.

I do not require recognition from any one that I promote, or teach, or coach.

I am not a child, and so have no such needs.

In fact, when in paternal or unavuncular or teaching roles, I serve the counterparty, not the reverse.

I never saw a penny with just one side.
And all humans lie.
They lie especially well to themselves, so cannot help but occasionally lie to others.

You are not his student, therefore it is not your concern.

You are a bored, and boring shit stirrer.
Get a better hobby, or a dog maybe, to keep your company.

I never got bopped for dope BTW. The state was after me literally for just the story. They kept grilling me until I made a BJJ joke. They didn’t like the joke.

@Dr.Gonzo’s official sign off
should seal the legitimacy of his black belt once and for all.


Ahh Bullshido Forums.

This thread should have been about clothes.

So I just skimmed the whole thing to see if literally anyone posted on-topic here. @Dr.Gonzo, is this an accurate assessment of the situation, from your own lips… err, thumbs?

I already certified his BJJ black belt promotion a couple years ago.
And I am of the correct rank to promote people to black belt.



Well that’s settled.


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Good shoes will last for decades if you take care of them.

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What sort of style we talking? Field uniform? Battle shit? Or dress?

For a field uniform, I like nondescript with no color identifiers. Camo, bloc, etc. No ID at all. This depends on whether I wanna hide or just be unidentified. Maybe affiliation if I need no ID, but some intimidation factor. For the battle uniform, which is not for the field, I like to rock the full regalia and march. For the dress, I keep it full drip and color coordinated. Heavy armor except for in dress.


Anything other than tie-on belts is fair game here.

I like that is has become standard to weave in elastic material to most jeans you buy.

Stretchy jeans are way more comfy than pure 100% cotton.

I see what you did, there.

You are only going to See more, now.
That is the nature of the well, you have drank from.
You will see more half blinded, than most people see with two good eyes.

If your jeans don’t stretch enough to allow headkicks you need to buy new jeans.

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Or, practice more low kicks.
No charge…

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It’s really just a sign your jeans are so out of date even they are tired of being worn.