250 business cards for $0.99 USD. This has potential.

That’s not the one I want.

I don’t speak Klingon.

Now that is money.

What postcode is needed im unfamiliar with USA codes an UK ones dont work…

This thread will either end badly, or retire to Megathreads and Classics.

What does FOB mean in Der’s sidebar?

There’s a thread about that.

http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=50011 The meaning of fob.

Hahahaha. This is a deal for America only. Foreigwnt.

It’s ok, I got it.

Nice link, I didn’t see if they had it in ‘bone’

The text is something called “silian rail”.

Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness
of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark…

I got it too, nice one.

Fresh off the Boat, ie. a recent immigrant.

Louisa lived in the US most of her live, spoke perfect English without an accent, and could deal with American culture just fine.

Yet nearly every picture I have of her, she pops the V.

She was a huge BoA fan.

She loved Moshimaru and Hello Kitty.

I miss her.

Who doesn’t love Mashimaro?

A fat headed rabbit who chain smokes and curses people out in Korean?

The anti-Hello Kitty?

What’s not to love?

Real difference between FOB and non-FOB asian is the way they do the V.

If the V is done with palms facing forward, that’s FOB. If back of their hand is showing, that’s non-FOB.

