250 business cards for $0.99 USD. This has potential.


250 Customized Business Cards $0.99 shipped at Office Depot!
Office Depot has Box of 250 Customized Business Cards at $12.99. Proceed and customize your cards. Enter coupon code 29540100 at checkout for $12 off. Free shipping. OFFICE DEPOT

Cards I’m thinking of having made:

Just ordered this one.

OMG, that one made me LOL.

The two parking ones are awesome. I’m guessing you could use all 250 pretty fast in cali. A dollar well spent.

BLIZZOW. Full proof vag magnet card.

Replace Ninja with Super Spy, and you’re golden.

(reasoning: Ninja’s always die, but Super spies always get pussy. Even if the villianess wants you dead, she’ll still give it up first.)


Hmm, link didn’t work for me. But if you really want to get the ladies in CA, you’re better off with something like, “Casting Director” or Producer, Sony picture productions, etc

The phrase is actually “fool proof”, but don’t feel to bad, it’s one of those things that people say because they’ve heard it and dont really get what they’re saying.

Like you’ll see people type “for all intensive purposes”

and it’s like "That doesnt make any sense, it’s “for all intents and purposes”.

Those are people who are, for all intents and purposes, illiterate.

To bad the spell checker isnt full proof.


Do you want all your varrots red? Well? Do you?

Sirc’s once a year funny thread already?

Damn, I guess that means the rest of the year is a wash. Still, better this than one of those goddamn emo threads you occasionally post.

Sirc has found a fun game for us

Haha I love the phrase “shit wrecked/wreck your shit”

Is he kowtowing to the board of… “sunlight of big”?

feedback, those are some rootin’ tootin’ pants your av has on…