You should go the states and meet some of the locals.
Give an opinion that someone thinks belongs to the other group that they don’t identify with and your labelled with every stereotype they believe in. It’s kinda funny and also a bit sad.
You should go the states and meet some of the locals.
Give an opinion that someone thinks belongs to the other group that they don’t identify with and your labelled with every stereotype they believe in. It’s kinda funny and also a bit sad.
Pot, meet Klanadian Kettle…
Do you think Americans have become more polarized now than a decade ago?
I think the entire world that has significant Internet access has become more polarized since the introduction and adoption of “social” media platforms.
These platforms have sparked wars, and incited murders, have manipulated children into throwing boiling water on to their peers, and doing all manners of horrible, evil, behaviors.
There does seem to be a concerted effort to indoctrinate people through those platforms into extremely bigoted ideologies.
The world would better with less cultiness in it.
Do you think Canadians have done so?
Yes to a degree
it seemed more pronounced when I visit the US. Maybe just more in your face.
But that could just be a bias. . .
If I could point to a statistic that showed less of a polarization I think it would be our vaccine uptake. Even our most conservative provinces had uptake numbers that rivaled your most liberal states.
No, that difference is because more Americans DID THEIR RESEARCH…
You are not suggesting that uniformity should be considered superior to diversity, or disagreement, as a general case, are you?
And on a separate note, speaking to the domain of mathematical complexity, applied to the domain of biology:
Vaccine non-compliance may end up being an important diverse line or lines, of resulting natural immunity.
No I was saying it didn’t turn into as large a political issue as down south.
There was high uptake among people who’s political leanings went in different directions
You all should just shut up and let @Devil and I do all the writing.
Also contracting the virus or getting a vaccine both involve a “natural” immune response from a person.
One way just has better outcomes so far as compared to the other
Somebody has to be a bottom.
Right, and Klanadians have all those missing First Nations Women for that sort of thing.
Why do you believe we are submissive?
Get a map and your glasses out.
The very fact you have to ask?
You ever slide down an ice sheet, fighting tooth and stick, for a hard piece of rubber with sharpened blades on your feet … hozer?