Zigzag your way to trollshido.

I’m in Sifu’s kwoon every morning training my deadly Ving Tsun fist strike techniques…except for holy days of obligation of course.

How best to do it:

Doc tells you to lose that ugly fat, and science tells you that the best way to do it is to train in VING TSUN deadly kung fu boxing and control you caloric intake so your meatabolism has a chance to continually adjust. You learn not to be in a hurry. Your body fat comes down to an excellent level over 7-8 weeks, and your muscle mass and wing chun skills increase, leaving you with a body any kung fu man would be proud of.

so, is self-sucking the true path to Ving Tsun mastery? There-ily you shall own your centerline!!!

and Sifu is in your “kwoon” every night training his deadly Ving Tsun fisting

Ban please.

There is no point in this poster even existing but sadly we cannot ban him from life.

so, is that ^ a fist with the thumb on top-or to the side of the fist?