due to my recent discovery of how many of my fellow jews are on this board, i thought that a bullshido channukah thread was needed.

why do people insist that jews are obsessed with money?

Happy Chanukah! Eat a jelly donut for me.

here’s a video that i can’t embed.

YouTube - Adam Sandler original Chanukah (Hanukkah) Song

Bacon Cheeseburgers for everyone!


we’re having porkchops tonight.


motherfucking dick snot! trollshido again???!?!?!?!

now i know how tharuz must have felt… :cry:

Why do most people assume everone isn’t obsessed with money.

I am sure there’s some tree dwelling fuckers in the rain forest who aren’t

But that’s because they’re obsessed with getting dry and getting a bigger disk through their lip

Shit, I didn’t know Wu-Tang was behind that track^!

yeah, remedy is the resident menorah lighter of wu-tang.


zomg…‘They’ infiltrated on here too?
we must take action immediately before it’s too late!!