[QUOTE=ChenPengFi;2791120]Don’t think this was posted yet:
Nothing refreshes like heavy metal poisoning!
At least your posts make sense now…
[QUOTE=ChenPengFi;2791120]Don’t think this was posted yet:
Nothing refreshes like heavy metal poisoning!
At least your posts make sense now…
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;2791131]Nothing refreshes like heavy metal poisoning!
At least your posts make sense now…[/QUOTE]
So that’s what’s wrong with you, tosser of word salads…
[QUOTE=ChenPengFi;2791161]So that’s what’s wrong with you, tosser of word salads…[/QUOTE]
Tu quoque? Are you kidding?
This is why you always get your ass kicked in arguments Cheng. You’re just like Trayvon (bringing skittles to a gunfight).
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;2791196]Tu quoque? Are you kidding?
This is why you always get your ass kicked in arguments Cheng. You’re just like Trayvon (bringing skittles to a gunfight).[/QUOTE]
Not a tu quoque, you fail as usual.
You said heavy metals are refreshing, that implies you’ve had some.
The drink has an empty casing.
You kick no ass.
Go eat your ramen and learn to spell “machete”, dumbass.
Yep, so long as you remain too broke to change your username, you’ll be living in that glass house of idiocy.
So i raise a Trayvon Martini in your honor, since you couldn’t even afford one.
Cheers! Dumbass…
[QUOTE=ChenPengFi;2791223]Not a tu quoque, you fail as usual.
You said heavy metals are refreshing, that implies you’ve had some.
The drink has an empty casing.You kick no ass.Go eat your ramen and learn to spell “machete”, dumbass.Yep, so long as you remain too broke to change your username, you’ll be living in that glass house of idiocy.So i raise a Trayvon Martini in your honor, since you couldn’t even afford one.Cheers!Dumbass…[/QUOTE]
Ooh, did I touch a nerve? Is little chengy all butt hurt that his favorite drink is poking holes in his brain? Is sarcasm something beyond you pathetic abilities of comprehension?
Maybe if you laid off the “Trayvontinis” you’d hbe able to come up with a better a better comback than “ramen”. Shit, you’re so confused you don’t even know which thread you are posting in.
Did you feel that, Cheng? That was your pathetic attempt at and argument hitting ground, “dick-in-the-dirt”!
Go GNP a paranoid neighborhood watchman, bitch!
Tu quoque /tuːˈkwoʊkwiː/,[1] (Latin for “you, too” or “you, also”) or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent’s position by asserting the opponent’s failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone’s point of view based on criticism of the person’s inconsistency, and not the position presented,[2] whereas a person’s inconsistency should not discredit their position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument.[3] To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument.
Cheng, I don’t expect you to be able to comprehend that but it basically states that your patheticly derivitive ad-hominem was indeed a “tu qouque”.
As usualy, you’re postings are stupid as shit and unintentionaly self depricating.
Tu quoque is the “two wrongs” fallacy, you illiterate monkey.
You’re the only one who has consumed heavy metals.
You even said they are refreshing, ie you enjoy them.
So just like how machete only has one “t”, there’s only one heavy metal consuming idiot here, and that’s you; ergo no tu quoque fallacy.
[QUOTE=ChenPengFi;2791230]LOL, yeah, you hit a nerve all right.
The typos are telling.I don’t need a “come-back”, there is nothing to come back from.My favorite drink is coffee, btw.I only buy expensive cocktails to shame broke ass morons like you.You plebes have no business in the establishments i frequent.Go buy some PBR and enjoy your ramen.[/QUOTE]
LMFAO! That’s your “brilliant” response to having your last three posts rolled into a nice tight bundle and violently shoved up your e-tard ass? “I drink”? That’s the best you’ve got!?!?
You just got RAPED, Cheng! FUCKING RAPED!!! And now you’re trying to shower with some more petty ad-hominems (beacuse thats the only tool in your Fischer Price "my first toolbox) but the dirt won’t come off. It never does.
Go run home and cry, bitch! Hurry before the neigborhood watch tries to jack you for your skittles!
[QUOTE=Devil;2791232]Okay, sorry to get all technical here. But what the fuck is dangerous about a brass casing?
The Trayvontini is so going to be my new go-to party beverage.[/QUOTE]
Cheng mixes his with jacketless waddcutters. It’s pretty obvious.
[QUOTE=ChenPengFi;2791233]Tu quoque is the “two wrongs” fallacy, you illiterate monkey.You’re the only one who has consumed heavy metals.You even said they are refreshing, ie you enjoy them.So just like how machete only has one “t”, there’s only one heavy metal consuming idiot here, and that’s you; ergo no tu quoque fallacy.[/QUOTE]
Holy Christ are you a dumb shit or what?
I just posted the definition of it for you to read, even made a comment about you not being able to understand it and here you are NOT BEING ABLE TO READ OR COMPREHEND IT!!!
Keep posting Cheng. I love it when you prove my point for me.
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;2791234]LMFAO! That’s your “brilliant” response to having your last three posts rolled into a nice tight bundle and violently shoved up your e-tard ass? “I drink”? That’s the best you’ve got!?!?
You just got RAPED, Cheng! FUCKING RAPED!!! And now you’re trying to shower with some more petty ad-hominems (beacuse thats the only tool in your Fischer Price "my first toolbox) but the dirt won’t come off. It never does.
Go run home and cry, bitch! Hurry before the neigborhood watch tries to jack you for your skittles!
Cheng mixes his with jacketless waddcutters. It’s pretty obvious.[/QUOTE]
Watching your poorly spelled, irate, insane ramblings makes me miss the good ole’ Jazzman days. Man, he was fun to watch.
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;2791237]Holy Christ are you a dumb shit or what?
I just posted the definition of it for you to read, even made a comment about you not being able to understand it and here you are NOT BEING ABLE TO READ OR COMPREHEND IT!!!
Keep posting Cheng. I love it when you prove my point for me.[/QUOTE]
I like low-hanging fruit and irony.
You cover both.
You posted the definition, but you don’t understand it.
I spelled it out for you because i’m nice like that.
That you still don’t get your misappropriation of the tu quoque fallacy, even after i explained that you’re the only heavy metal consuming idiot here, supports my assertion that you are indeed an illiterate, heavy metal consuming idiot.
So no, i have never consumed “heavy metals”.
You have obviously done so for many, many years, and it does explain your spelling errors and anger issues.
Pointing that out isn’t a tu quoque.
[QUOTE=ChenPengFi;2791243]I like suck on low-hanging fruit and by “fruit” I mean balls. Hairy ones.
I can’t have yours so I throw temper tantrums online .You posted the definition, but I don’t understand it. Honestly, I can not read. I dictate to my dog who types these posts for me.
I spelled it out for you because i’m too stupid to know when to quit.
That I still don’t get my contant use of the tu quoque fallacy, even after it’s explained to me indicates that I am every bit the heavy metal consuming idiot here.
I am indeed an illiterate, heavy metal consuming idiot.
As I have been for many, many years, and it does explain my memory errors and anger issues.[/QUOTE]
Fixed that for you.
You dog is an amazing ghost writer BTW.
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;2791234]LMFAO! That’s your “brilliant” response to having your last three posts rolled into a nice tight bundle and violently shoved up your e-tard ass? “I drink”? That’s the best you’ve got!?!?
You just got RAPED, Cheng! FUCKING RAPED!!! And now you’re trying to shower with some more petty ad-hominems (beacuse thats the only tool in your Fischer Price "my first toolbox) but the dirt won’t come off. It never does. [/QUOTE]
Jesus fucking Christ, you do more premature victory laps than a dictator hosting a sporting event. FUCKING RAPED? Really? I mean, you’re certainly raping the English language, but that’s not what you were going for.
[QUOTE=Permalost;2791247]Jesus fucking Christ, you do more premature victory laps than a dictator hosting a sporting event.[/QUOTE]
I won when Cheng failed to grasp sarcasm and then spent several posts proving my point for me.
In fact every time he fails to take the high road, contradicts himself and proudly touts his own failures of comprehension I do another victory lap.
They say a man can be measured by the quality of his enemies. I think a man can also be measure by the quality of his friends.
I see you riding in to white knight for Cheng and that tells me everything I need to know about the both of you.
Would you like some skittles?
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;2791248]I won when Cheng failed to grasp sarcasm and then spent several posts proving my point for me.
In fact every time he fails to take the high road, contradicts himself and proudly touts his own failures of comprehension I do another victory lap.
They say a man can be measured by the quality of his enemies. I think a man can also be measure by the quality of his friends.
I see you riding in to white knight for Cheng and that tells me everything I need to know about the both of you.
Would you like some skittles?[/QUOTE]
Well, I hate everybody here equally and what I see is someone picking on your spelling while you light verbal farts.
[QUOTE=Devil;2791250]Well, I hate everybody here equally and what I see is someone picking on your spelling while you light verbal farts.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;2791248]I won when Cheng failed to grasp sarcasm and then spent several posts proving my point for me. [/quote]
Can you explain the sarcasm then? And for good measure, the tu quoque fallacy you’re going on about?
In fact every time he fails to take the high road, contradicts himself and proudly touts his own failures of comprehension I do another victory lap.
You just went on about FUCKING RAPING someone after making light of a kid’s death, and now you’re giving him shit for not taking the high road? When you two argue, you’re always slinging vulgar jokes. How high a road can it be?
They say a man can be measured by the quality of his enemies. I think a man can also be measure by the quality of his friends.
I see you riding in to white knight for Cheng and that tells me everything I need to know about the both of you.
Would you like some skittles?
I’m not intentionally being pro-Cheng and against you. I’m being against this juvenile bullshit you two are always going back and forth over, in totally unrelated threads. You just happen to be shitting this thread up more.
^See this shit? Its stupid as fuck.
[QUOTE=Permalost;2791253]Can you explain the sarcasm then? And for good measure, the tu quoque fallacy you’re going on about? [/QUOTE]
Oh, bloody hell… …yes, but only in the spirit of good sportsmanship…
Cheng posts an image of a coctail with a bullet in it. I make a sarcastic quip about the “refreshing qualities of heavy metals” and point out that consumption of such drinks would explain Cheng’s posting style.
Cheng responds (uncreatively) with “you have heavy metal poisoning”. IE: “No, you!” aka tu quoque. AKA “I know you are but what am I”. You can referrence my post containing the definition of tu quoque, or just google it and get verification.
[QUOTE=Permalost;2791253] You just went on about FUCKING RAPING someone after making light of a kid’s death, and now you’re giving him shit for not taking the high road? When you two argue, you’re always slinging vulgar jokes. How high a road can it be? [/QUOTE]
To high for Cheng to climb?
[QUOTE=Permalost;2791253] I’m not intentionally being pro-Cheng and against you. I’m being against this juvenile bullshit you two are always going back and forth over, in totally unrelated threads. You just happen to be shitting this thread up more. [/QUOTE]
Well, we’ve covered all the bases. We even doubled back a few times and ultimately Zim was found not guilty on all charges.
What more is there to dicuss?
My god…
…it’s beautiful.
Well played, Sir. Well played.
High road?
Hahahaha! I’m an arrogant asshole.
Hey Machette[sic], tu quoque means “you too” or “you also”,
not “that’s you, not me”.
You fail shithead.
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;2791255]Oh, bloody hell… …yes, but only in the spirit of good sportsmanship…
Cheng posts an image of a coctail with a bullet in it. I make a sarcastic quip about the “refreshing qualities of heavy metals” and point out that consumption of such drinks would explain Cheng’s posting style.
Cheng responds (uncreatively) with “you have heavy metal poisoning”. IE: “No, you!” aka tu quoque. AKA “I know you are but what am I”. You can referrence my post containing the definition of tu quoque, or just google it and get verification. [/quote]
Tu quoque isn’t “I know you are but what am I”. More like “takes one to know one”. Cheng’s jibe implied that you are the heavy metal imbiber, NOT that both of you are. Whatever, logical fallacies are always misused, but its super annoying when the person doing it is going “Oh I’m SO SORRY you guys just don’t understand the high level thinking I’m doing! Sorry you’ve all been TOTALLY RAPED! Next time why don’t you try the moral high ground?!?!?”
Well, we’ve covered all the bases. We even doubled back a few times and ultimately Zim was found not guilty on all charges.
What more is there to dicuss?
Running out of things to discuss is a good time to exit a thread, not derail it with a pissing contest, despite what many threads here would have you believe.