You almost messed aroud with a friend's girlfriend.

Let’s say you were drunk as hell
you had in excess of 15 shots of vodka.
and you made out with your friends girlfriend
some other stuff
and almost took her home.

except you didnt’ realize who she was until later
and he didn’t bust you.

I’m feeling guilty as helll (and still kind of drunk).
I’m about to straight up admit what happened and let what will happen, happen.
I can feel if he wants to kick my ass.
but honestly I didnt know.
she wanted me as much as i wanted her.
but shit. I’m the guy. i should have recognized and known better even if i was drunk.

has this shit happened to any of you before?
I honestly. didnt recognize her as my friends girl.
just saw she was hot. and what happened, happened

only thing I can think of is to man up and face up to whatever will happen.
actuall I’m going to do it right now before I pass out and forget.

it feels like the honorable thing to do. anyhting else will make me feel like a coward and a loser.

my whole philosoph is if you fuck up. you take responsibility,
because that’s what should be done.

Be a good friend and tell him to ditch the ho’.

^^^ what he said. If the g/f were worth keeping, she would never had put herself in that situation.

And as for you variance, drink less. How could you not know who she was? Was she wearing more make-up than Ronald McDonalds???

And if your friend is not stupid and has a pair of functioning balls, he should not be looking to kick your ass. He should be looking at dumping his g/f for making up with another man (whether it’s you or somebody else.)

I’ve never had that happened in my life. I’ve gotten with women who ended up not being as attractive as I thought they where while intoxicated, but that’s about it.

inform your mate shes a fucking ho and to ditch her. and did you just not know who she was or were you so blasted you couldnt recognise her face?

… i was feeling kind of down. I had kind of gotten rejected by one girl i had been pursuing.
I’m a dumbass and I let myself get tore down by one girl.
thus I began binge drinking so I could get back into the mood, not care and begin some cold pick-ups.

I started dancing with this one girl on the dance floor then this girl cut in and grabbed me… and I don’t know. i just got mesmerized. she was hot… but i recognized she looked familiar but could’t put me figure on why. The APA community in the DFW is small and I just figured I’ve met/admired her or talked to her before. I can’t explain nor excuse what happened. I didn’t think with my brain…

if ya’lll have ever been to a dance club and been up and close with a girl… you know once it gets to a certain point, rationality is no longer a factor.

i still feel like a jackass. i tried to call my friend, no answer, ended up just texting him and e-mailing him.

i’m willing to face whatever happens.
I still feel like a asshole.

I do need to drink less especially since my cardio is horrible and I need to improve it if I don’t want to look like a jackass when I post videos of me competing in a tournament next month.

//probably still gonna look like a jackass.
///will be happy to provide people lulz via mentioned videos though.

We have all been there buddy. Don’t be too hard on yourself, just be more careful next time. At the end of the day, if it trully you didn’t see who she was, it was her fault (after all, a person, male or female, with a significant other shouldn’t be whoring around.)

And you shouldn’t be putting yourself in that kind of situations when you are very intoxicated when feeling down or in an emotional roller coaster, at least not alone. Go out, date, have fun, screw and do your thing, but drink with moderation. Getting wasted really doesn’t help this kind of shit to go away at all.

Do you seriously think your friend is going to believe that you didn’t know who she was until afterwards?

If anything, you did you friend a favour.

I don’t think anything.

I’m not hoping for anything.

hell I fucked up already. not only did I mess up. I wasted time and fucked up
by spending time with my friend’s girl.
I pretty much did worse than strike out and get shot down.

I’m just doing what is honourble and proper to me.
Admitting what happened and accepting whatever comes out of it.

be it a beat down or what not.

anything else… i just couldn’t feel right about.

maybe I’m retarded but that’s just how I am.
if he wasn’t a respected friend of mine, I wouldn’t care, nor feel guilty.

okk. im feeling like passing out soon.

personally if it was me, i woulda kept it quiet, got her to break up with her bf (which sounds like something that shouldnt take much effort) then bag n tag it.

this is probably why people shouldnt ask me for advice, ever, about anything.

You’re clearly not getting those Bundy Fine Form award ads over there in NZ are u?

So you didn’t bang her and you opened your mouth. Next time do it the other way around.

This is one of the many reasons I dont drink. But man I think you should fess up. Explain it the best you can. I dont know much about your friend, but hopefully he will respect your honesty. Thats the best I can think of, normally I am th sober guy at parties so I have never had to deal with anything like this. Best of luck though bro.

If its your boy, he won’t trip. Happened to me once. Friends girl had never seen me turned on and flipped out when she saw me making out with her friend at a party. She got a tad excited and only she knows where the convo went from there as I was black out drunk. Anyways, she ran back and told my friend that we’d almost gotten into it. Didn’t give a shit.

I’ll bet he fools around with her again before it’s all said and done!

I keep wondering how people get themselves into this kind of shit.

Seriously, man, keep it in the pouch. And tell your boy to dump that bitch. Seriously, too many decent girls out there to be fucking around with whores.

Speaking from experience:

Forget it ever happened.

what black magic said.

shit’s happened to me. just hope your boy is still young enough to be on the bro’s before ho’s tip.

The nearly universal applicability of the Ladder Theory can be quite impressive at times…
