Yakima karate instructor accused of having sex with student

Yakima karate instructor accused of having sex with student

YAKIMA – A Yakima karate instructor was arrested Thursday for allegedly having sex with one of his students beginning when she was 13 years old, Yakima police said.

The 44-year-old instructor was booked at Yakima County Jail on one count each of suspicion of second- and third-degree child rape and is expected to be arraigned on the charges next week. Police said he met the girl at Yakima School of Karate, where he taught martial arts for the past eight years, and that the sex continued until she was nearly 16.

Police said the girl, who is now 18, recently reported the allegations to investigators. She told police the incidents occurred several times a week over the three-year period, according to a police affidavit filed in the case.

The girl told police that the sex continued until just before her 16th birthday in February 2005, when she “realized what she was doing was wrong,” according to the affidavit.


Yakima is a town in central Washington

And if this happened why did she wait two years before reporting him?

Why do you think sometimes there may be a period of time between abuse and disclosure?

I’m sorry …in todays society IF she was having sex with him starting at 13 then “Only realized” it was wrong by the time she was 16. There has to be more to it.

I just wonder what the sudden trigger was for her to all of a sudden decide to come forward after five years of “Abuse”?

Most instances never get reported.

“If she was having sex with him”?

That isn’t sex. That’s child molestation. That’s rape. Sex is something shared between two consenting adults. She’s a child. This is rape. What the fuck is wrong with people that they print this shit like she had a “relationship” with him?

Its fucking nauseating.

13 year old children don’t have sexual relationships with adults. They are raped by adults.

“Why did she wait before reporting it”?

Do you actually know anybody who’s been abused, or interact with an abused child? You have any idea of the emotional and mental trauma caused by having somebody you trust put you in that position?

Because I don’t. And something tells me you don’t either.

Granted, these things turn into witch hunts all the time. Too much unfortunately, which makes it harder and harder for people to believe kids who this really happens to. Mostly what bothers me is the assumption that, if it did happen, that she was “having sex” if she was that young she was being raped.

That isn’t sex. That’s child molestation. That’s rape. Sex is something shared between two consenting adults. She’s a child. This is rape. What the fuck is wrong with people that they print this shit like she had a “relationship” with him?

Its fucking nauseating.

I agree with you. I didnt use the correct wording of what I was trying to say, my bad.

Do you actually know anybody who’s been abused, or interact with an abused child? You have any idea of the emotional and mental trauma caused by having somebody you trust put you in that position?

Because I don’t. And something tells me you don’t either

As a matter of fact I do know a couple of women like that. Yes they were emotionaly and even phyically messed up. Took them a long time before they would even talk about it openly, and even then it was a rare thing.

Granted, these things turn into witch hunts all the time. Too much unfortunately, which makes it harder and harder for people to believe kids who this really happens to

Point I was trying to make. To many times I have seen a child who develops a crush( for lack of a better term) on an adult and when the feelings are not returned in the way they want they say they were raped or touched or whatever, thus making that persons life a living hell.

I know for a fact because I had a friend who this happened to. i was dating a women who had two daughters between 13 and 15 at the time and he would hang out with us at times. He came to think of the girls like his little sisters and they got a crush on him. When he found out he made the comment to me that he didnt want to hurt their feelings but no way it was going to happen. So he quit hanging out with us. Well a couple of weeks went by and their was an accusastion that he had been molesting the girls.

The shit storm that came afterwards was huge. After about 3 weeks of speaking to lawyers and even cops the girls came clean and admitted they had lied.

Needless to say I split from that scene.

But all in all my point is

  1. Is sex with a 13 yr old bad- YES

  2. Are all cases reported true- No

  3. Can a lie ruin a persons life - Yes

  4. Should people that have sex with kids be slowly cut with a razor over and over again and then have chili powder poured into all the wounds then have each and every bone broken one at a time then reset allowed to heal then broken again- HELL YES

I flew off the handle a c-hair. I taught kids for like 5 years and while I don’t really love children, the idea of somebody fucking with them makes me livid.

I dated a couple like that when they were grown. Not easy times. Taught a kid for a few years who had all the earmarks of something screwed up happening to her and that sucked too, because you’re sitting there the entire time wondering what the hell you’re supposed to do.

Yeah. I haven’t seen that first hand. Jesus that must suck. I can’t think of too many things worse happening to a somebody.


I like the way you think.

I think people like that make me sick. Now I have no kids of my own, and I doubt that I ever will but it still makes me sick people want to sleep with kids. I work with someone who says that, I don’t know if he’s joking or not, I will assume he is not IMO. Granted I have had a lot of younger females be attracted to me in the past and not so much today. The majority of the time when it happend I was between 16 and 20, but now it’s pretty much non existant now and I’m pretty glad for that one.

I guess I was lucky because I was not really interesting in them that way and I enjoyed being friends with them, so I never had any problems with it. Though I did get laughed at times in high school for telling them that like 11 and 12 years olds have crushes on me.


Ex-karate teacher found guilty of molesting 13-year-old

Yakima Herald-Republic

Jurors came within one vote of convicting a former Yakima karate instructor of raping a 13-year-old girl, but they settled for a lesser molestation charge to avoid deadlocking, the panel’s foreman said Monday.

The jurors – three men and nine women – in the trial against Paul Daniel Barr announced their verdict Monday afternoon in Yakima County Superior Court.

Barr, 45, was convicted of two counts of second-degree molestation, which were offered as lesser alternatives to the initial child rape charges. A sentencing date was not set.

Jury foreman Brian Goodell said jurors, who got the case Friday afternoon, had staked out their positions by the time they went home for the weekend. The holdout juror didn’t change her mind despite repeated questioning by her colleagues, Goodell said.

“There’s no way that he shouldn’t have been convicted of rape,” Goodell said. “I’m actually very disappointed in the justice system right now.”

The juror, whom Goodell declined to name, appeared to struggle with the idea that an older man could have raped a 13-year-old, the foreman said.

She also had difficulty with the timeline surrounding the allegations, which Goodell said was prompted by the way defense attorney Brian Connaughton phrased his questions about that aspect of the case.

Barr, now 45, was accused of fondling and abusing the girl in 2002 at the Yakima School of Karate, where he was an instructor and she was a student.

Connaughton countered that the case lacked corroborating witnesses or physical evidence. He challenged the girl’s testimony, saying that her story changed multiple times and that her account of time frames was confusing at best.

Prosecution witnesses said Barr was often seen doing inappropriate stretching exercises with the girl. Another prosecution witness, who was then 16, testified that she had sex with Barr around the same time.

Connaughton said afterward that a new trial may be requested on appeal.

Deputy prosecutor Patti Powers said she was still calculating Barr’s potential sentence, which includes special findings on both counts that he was in a continuing relationship with an underage victim and abused his position of trust.

In the other two pending cases, Barr is accused of possessing explicit pictures of two teenage girls who spent time at his house in Moxee, as well as taking indecent liberties with one of them. One had pictures of her taken in the bathroom, apparently through a hole or keyhole; the other girl was photographed while passed out after drinking.

The girls told police they were between 14 and 16 years old at the time.

Posted on Saturday, December 19, 2009

Karate teacher gets 10 years in prison for molesting teen
Mark Morey
Yakima Herald-Republic

YAKIMA, Wash. – A former karate instructor was sentenced Friday to 10 years in prison after being convicted of molesting a 13-year-old student.

The sentence against Paul Barr was the maximum allowed under state law.

Deputy prosecutor Patti Powers said the prison term was appropriate given Barr’s conduct, but defense attorney Blaine Connaughton said he expected the conviction to be appealed.

Jurors late last year found Barr, now 46, guilty of two counts of second-degree child molestation involving a 13-year-old girl. She was a student at the Yakima School of Karate, where Barr taught in 2002. Barr was charged with rape after the allegations surfaced in 2007, but jurors settled on the lesser charge in order to reach a verdict.

Problems with a search warrant resulted in the dismissal of voyeurism charges involving two other young girls, one a student at the karate school.

Connaughton contended the rape case against Barr lacked corroborating witnesses or evidence.

However, prosecution witnesses said Barr was often seen doing inappropriate stretching exercises with the girl. Another prosecution witness, who was then 16, testified she had sex with Barr around the same time.

The usual sentence would have been 31 to 41 months, but the jury made special findings that he was in a continuing relationship with an underage victim and abused his position of trust.

Connaughton said he asked for a sentence at the low end of the standard range.

He said appeal issues will include statements from several jurors after the trial that one jury member had said during deliberations that she had been sexually assaulted. She said that was not the case when attorneys were selecting the jury, and later said police had not treated the case as a sexual assault.

Yakima County Superior Court Judge James Lust declined to grant a new trial, ruling that jurors were allowed to consider their life experience in reaching a verdict.

In addition, one juror later told the judge that she felt pressured to support the rape charge.

After the trial, the jury foreman said the majority of the panel felt that Barr should have been convicted of rape, but a single juror did not agree. She was apparently confused by the case’s timeline and questioned whether an adult would have raped such a young girl, the foreman said.

That prompted the jury to settle on the molestation charge.

Posted on Saturday, December 19, 2009

Karate teacher gets 10 years in prison for molesting teen

He said appeal issues will include statements from several jurors after the trial that one jury member had said during deliberations that she had been sexually assaulted. She said that was not the case when attorneys were selecting the jury, and later said police had not treated the case as a sexual assault.

Yakima County Superior Court Judge James Lust declined to grant a new trial, ruling that jurors were allowed to consider their life experience in reaching a verdict.

Crimes against children are at the high end of heinous. But wouldn’t the juror who lied about her rape experience face criminal charges after lying during jury selection. The “problems” with the search warrant and the judges comments suggest a less than impartial court.