and dicuss our different forms (!?). I have no idea if she is hawt or not. All I know is that she is an unabashed Wushu cult member and thinks martial arts is about Jet Li and Yin-Yang balance.
At least she’ll probably be fit.
Wrong forum, should be in LLL.
other than that, show her the power of your jing. also, vid or it didn’t happen.
Most Wushu chicks are.
who cares what she wants to talk about?
tune her out just like you would if she were talking about how her day went, or basically anything else she can bring up.
the important part is she wants to get drunk, with you--------->get her in the mount!
If she is hawt, then pretend you believe in the same Jet Li shit. If she can do splits, pretend even more.
Fuck the truth.
The end (hawt flexible wushu bootie) justifies the means (LARP it without shame.)
Tell her you do that Tony Jaa stuff.
Seconded, thats genius.
And if she hasn’t seen his movies, see it with her.
Tell her that you think Jet Li and Donnie Yen are the greatest (and deadliest) living martial artists in the world. Also tell her that you think sportfighters aren’t real martial artists, and that any 70-year-old Wushu master could defeat a grappler in a matter of seconds. Ask her to demonstrate some forms, and when she’s done, act really impressed and say “Wow, I sure wouldn’t want to meet YOU in a dark alley!”
You’ll be knockin’ Kung Fu booties 'til breakfast.
Show her the ram muay
Tell her that Muay Thai is The Art of NINE Limbs.
Tell her what she does is dumb. Don’t kiss ass. Being a jerk gets you laid way more than being a pussy like these guys are claiming.
Greese probably thinks this goes without saying, but I suggest trying to at least be a funny dickhead at first, until you find out how bad she sucks.
Talk to her friends to find out if she doesn’t mind getting jing all over her face.
what are you twelve? being confident gets you laid, being an asshole gets you the bill for the drinks. Although being a doormat probably works even less.
I’m sure the boy is capable of talking to her without being a mincy fag and agreeing with eveything she says. you know, like how normal people have conversations.
If she does wushu, you’re not gonna impress her by pretending to kinda sorta maybe do not wushu in a dancy kinda way. Fuck that. Show her the muay thai and wow her with its awesome power or something. You trying to dance is like if she started trying to kickbox. She’d look like a fucking idiot and so will you.
you know if someone is actually crazy enough that a date with her consists of sharing martial arts forms she is probably a crazy woman in the sack too, regardless of looks.
1: Is the olnly way you can get laid throwing your dignity on the ground and hoping the girl trips over it and lands with her legs spread, as this post seems to imply?
2: A mount joke? Are you sure you’re not posting this under the watchful eye of a state appointed handler?
Break the ice by asking if she knows a defense against the donkey punch.
Well put, oh young master of the Irony Palm.