You already did idiot.
Your crediablity is about shit right now, not only a drama whore, but a drama whore who got played like a bitch to fuck over one business local competitor.
Fucking good job!
You already did idiot.
Your crediablity is about shit right now, not only a drama whore, but a drama whore who got played like a bitch to fuck over one business local competitor.
Fucking good job!
He didnt start this, I did. I brought it up on another thread. Then I saw this one and started the digging for myself.
Memphis BJJ doesnt have an axe to grind. If Dave Ferguson were worried he would go up there and check it out for himself.
Memphis BJJ/Judo is a first rate school. I think it is wrong for you to accuse them of trying to start a smear camapign against another school.
They havent had ANY involvement in this thread. I think an edit is in order dont you?
[quote=Pandinha]You already did idiot.
Your crediablity is about shit right now, not only a drama whore, but a drama whore who got played like a bitch to fuck over one business local competitor.
Maybe if I beat up some old broke down man who trains in shit MA and is about fifty pounds lighter than me that would restore it?
If you read the thread, (I know it’s hard, with all the big words being used, but perhaps if you took a hooked on phonics course that would help) I started it to see if there were any truth to the allegations that Ferguson was throwing around, and so far it seems like the answer is “YES”.
As for Librio’s rebuttal…like Oldman said, what did you expect? “Well, Anthony, this is hard to understand, but Brazilian love money more than own momma. Now excuse me, I gotta count my big pile of cash that this program is making for me.”
At any rate, I’m not the one whose school is selling licenses to teach on the basis of 24 hours of training. Did you get fries with your blue belt?
On the contrary, Vince himself said this, I like him, regarding your orignal post, am only reposting it.
I’m curious, when you were making sexual and disparaging comments towards Karate Mama, did you by chance feel that you were smearing her good name?
Have you edited yourself? Since that was a first person type of post by you.
Alright guys fucking stop.
Vince started this thread not you Oldman. That is what Anthony is referring to even if the post came from another thread.
You’ve been pissed and so have I. We all know how this shit will go south quickly.
They havent had ANY involvement in this thread. I think an edit is in order dont you?
Oh boy watch what happens can of worms and all…
What’s that I hear, it’s the mating call of the Loser.
Broke down man, I’m older than Rudy you played out bitch. Is that all you got? I guess so, since you are nothing but a finger puppet that enjoys the prostate manipulation.
If you read the thread, (I know it’s hard, with all the big words being used, but perhaps if you took a hooked on phonics course that would help) I started it to see if there were any truth to the allegations that Ferguson was throwing around, and so far it seems like the answer is “YES”.
As for Librio’s rebuttal…like Oldman said, what did you expect? “Well, Anthony, this is hard to understand, but Brazilian love money more than own momma. Now excuse me, I gotta count my big pile of cash that this program is making for me.”
At any rate, I’m not the one whose school is selling licenses to teach on the basis of 24 hours of training. Did you get fries with your blue belt?
Blah blah blah. Your best drama whoring did not take away from the fact that hard questions were asked of ATT, and ATT responded in a profesionnal manner, even as far as an official statement from both Centry and American Top Team and Ricardo Liborio.
Anytime you want to test my skills, let me know. Until then, is that three fingers or a whole hand up your ass feeding you your lame ass accusations?
I am not a moderator. The standards that apply to me are different.
Vince said that they were discussing it at the seminar. We even discussed it onthe phone.
Tell ya what , the owner of MBJJJ is a member of this forum, why not say this to him yourself?
Besides, there is a big difference between ragging someone in YMAS and making an accusation against a business in MABS. As a moderator you should know this.
So look crybaby, dont get all butthurt because your fucking school busted a McDojo on you ok?
Im not the bad guy, so dont try any of your bullshit with me. I have been fair and have ONLY POSTED FACTS. Period.
Let me be plainer:
Anthony, I did start this thread, and I will take full credit/blame/perma ban whatever. I started it because I heard some serious accusations from a guy whose judgement on matters pertaining to MMA I trust, and I wanted clarification.
Also, I do not consider “Master Librio said it will be okay.” to be a valid response to the questions raised, and I want to hear analysis of the program from people NOT CONNECTED TO AMERICAN TOP TEAM AND SO UNBIASED.
Oh, they are? Look at that, Pot meet kettle. Double standards, eh?
Vince said that they were discussing it at the seminar. We even discussed it onthe phone.
Tell ya what , the owner of MBJJJ is a member of this forum, why not say this to him yourself?
Besides, there is a big difference between ragging someone in YMAS and making an accusation against a business in MABS. As a moderator you should know this.
Why the fuck would I have to discuss it with him when Vince already fucking posted it? Can you fucking read? Does Vince need to have tits for you to pay attention to what he posts?
So look crybaby, dont get all butthurt because your fucking school busted a McDojo on you ok?
Im not the bad guy, so dont try any of your bullshit with me. I have been fair and have ONLY POSTED FACTS. Period.
You were invited asshat to see for yourself at American Top Team what training was invovled, or is this another case where a woman wasn’t involved for you to sexually harrass to pay attention to in that thread?
Especially you mod Mother Fuckers. This is looking really shitty now. Fucking take a break and STFU.
Oh look, Vince decides 20 something pages later to not be a fucking drama whore.
Who the fuck really are you? I take Ricardo Liborio’s word over your fucking drama whore posting any day of the week. It’s also been proven twice in this thread by two seperate schools of what they offer.
But that’s not good enough for you, right? Because someone brought Marcelo Garcia, an American Top Team Fighter btw, for you train with, you started a thread to fuck with someone’s business.
You are fucking awesome!!!
Was that a challenge? You know the rules…tell you what, you can catch a flight to Memphis and I will meet you there. There’s Memphis JJ, this ATT affiliate school, Oldman’s backyard, we can find somewhere. Or if you want, I am sure we could get on an amateur MMA show somewhere in the Miss/Tenn/La area, that will just take longer to set up. Not that it will change a thing about this program or anything else, but if that’s how you get your jollies, who am I to deny you?
Off Topic:
I didn’t really think the Brazilian statment would be that offensive, I apologize to any Brazilians who were offended, and they may feel free to PM me any offensive jokes about greedy Scotsman (my people) that they wish. I’ll start:
Did you hear about the two Scotsmen who tried to teach MMA on one ATT certification because they were half brothers?
[quote=“Vince Tortelli”]
No, this is what happens when people defend their schools. I didn’t read it that way because, it isn’t my school. It was a snide remark that I have seen damn near everyone make at one time or another.
That is why I’m saying chill out. Everything now is being taken out of proportion.
I wasnt invited to ATT. I got MYSELF an invite to see the training at a certified school.
I even said that I would have to see for myself to make a decision as to how I feel about it.
I even stated that my school was interested in the program…and guess who would be teaching it? Thats right…ME.
I wanted to know if the money was worth what we would be getting.
You are upset because something you believe in was questioned. I never doubted the ATT Instructors abilities. I never questioned their morality. I simply asked some questions and posted the answers I got. Ididnt make them up. They came directly from the source. I even asked for clarification on some points to make sure that what I heard was correct. We all found out that the salesman had made a mistake in his wording. I thought it cleared it up nicely.
I was being unbiased in this. I didnt trash anyone or any Org. I cant say the same for you.
This is what MABS is about.
[quote=“Vince Tortelli”]
Are you an idiot? Or only when someone is manipulating you to stupidity? I said clearly, “Anytime you want to test my skills”. You called them into question, you challenged me. But I like the way you played it. I guess that’s the only last vestige you have left of saving face, isn’t it? bbuuhahahahaha.
Off Topic:
I didn’t really think the Brazilian statment would be that offensive, I apologize to any Brazilians who were offended, and they may feel free to PM me any offensive jokes about greedy Scotsman (my people) that they wish. I’ll start:
Did you hear about the two Scotsmen who tried to teach MMA on one ATT certification because they were half brothers?
Too late, not only are you a fucking played out drama whore, you are also a racist.
Oh look, Vince decides 20 something pages later to not be a fucking drama whore.
Who the fuck really are you?
Accusation of being a Rudy Abel sock puppet in 3…2…
But that’s not good enough for you, right? Because someone brought Marcelo Garcia, an American Top Team Fighter btw, for you train with, you started a thread to fuck with someone’s business
Like I said, I heard some serious allegations about American Top Team from a source I respect and wanted to know if there was any truth to them or not, if it had been anybody but ATT (or Xtreme Couture, or MFS, or Black House) I would have said “Fuck yeah, man, this is bullshit!” and really gone to town with the drama hodown.
And yes, I knew Marcelo had gone to ATT. Was this program started to counteract his teaching salary?
You are fucking awesome!!!
Thanks. You too, sunshine.
So the 800 pages of you and rudy going back and forth and then the thread that went on and on about your “fight” wasnt drama whoring…
I believe the squabbling should be removed and putin Trollshido where everyone else’s shit is put.
Just an observation.
Are you an idiot? Or only when someone is manipulating you to stupidity? I said clearly, “Anytime you want to test my skills”. You called them into question, you challenged me. But I like the way you played it. I guess that’s the only last vestige you have left of saving face, isn’t it? bbuuhahahahaha.
“Did you get fries with that bluebelt”? I’m guessing this is what you are referring to? You’re right, this clearly means “Ha ha, Anthony, you suck and I’ve seen better jiu jitsu from cheerleaders, fight me!” and not “ha ha, Anthony, your school engaging in McDojo practices, so I’ll make a joke about fries and blue belts.” Is this extended to everybody else who called ATT’s program a McDojo? If so, I’m gonna be the first in a long line…hooray for me! I’m first! Drama whore drama whore drama whore…
Too late, not only are you a fucking played out drama whore, you are also a racist.
Read my sig, sunshine. (Perhaps you could use that hooked on phoenics course I mentioned.)
Got your ticket to Memphis yet?