I’ve noticed when people post you see a nice little box to the left displaying info and sometimes a picture about the person. More to the point of what this thread is about however, there are green/red boxes called varrots that increase in number and when moused over reveal a “title” what are these? How are they improved?
So Razma, you decided to go ahead and register huh? Cool. Don’t forget to review your dojo.
Here, let me show you.
You’ve been here a year, don’t post threads in Newbietown anymore.
my e-penis is bigger than yours.
Yeah I’ve been registered for a year, but I’ve only been active this year as last year was a hell of a doozy for me
Is “doozy” a ninjer word ?
no, it’s what I refer to by having a really shit year. Sheesh you make one post and you get stabbed from every angle by every single person
Being a ninjer means everyone hates you. SRSLY
How so? I don’t get the “heirachy” of MA on this site, so please enlighten me, nearly every talks about BJJ and nearly every flames Bujinkan and Genbukan
Most simply put, styles that practice with full resistance, live sparring, “aliveness”, are looked upon more favorably than styles that prioritize compliant drills, kata, no-contact sparring or the like. I picked that up within 20 minutes of joining this site it boggles the imagination that you could be a member here for a year and need that explained.
I Think the best way for you to gain a broad answer to your question is for you to start a thread [here] asking “Why all teh hatin’ on Ninjers?” I think your enquiry will be more than fully answered.
Sorry about my join date, I joined then but have only been active recently
I think I’d rather just remove the small number of knives stuck in me from this post then have the possibility for a huge number of knivers to stab me for seemingly harmless questions
You were too lazy to do a search for the term “varrots”. Bullshido has always encouraged members to do a search before posting the five billionth thread asking the same question all the other craptastic members were too lazy to bother with.
Do a search next time and save your e-ass from getting stabbed.
Would you like some cheese with your whine ?
Also, don’t listen to Simio. That old ninja is foul like half o’ Shaq.
Says it all really
Point taken,
In future I will utilise the handy search function