Universal Stupidity Retraction

It has become clear that I am finding It increasingly difficult to refrain from stupid and pointless posts. As such I am going to STFU and stick to serious MA topics.

If anyone finds me wandering around sprouting horns and green skin, lead me back here please.

I am trollshido’ing myself.

Regards Mike

It’s always been a puzzle to me why people talk about shutting up instead of shutting up…

It’s the sound of one hand fapping



I love the vids. Im not shutting up. Im just shutting up on certain topics.

[QUOTE=bigmike_ebw;2561343]I love the vids. Im not shutting up. Im just shutting up on certain topics.[/QUOTE]


I should for sake of future ventures point something out.

I am not American, I am English.

As such, I take nothing seriously, and find everything funny.

I do not share your values, politics, or culture.
There will be things lost in translation.
I will not care.
It will be hilarious.

But for now, as stated, Im going to keep the shitposting to a minimum, until a few of these facts are dealt with.


  1. People perceive you as a troll.
  2. Mods pick on you.

and the newest

  1. We are from different cultures.

Yes, you do care. The posters that really don’t care offer little to no explanations and continue shit posting or quality posting.

There are two ways to gain the attention and adoration you desire on here.

  1. Be really, really consistently funny.

  2. Have some knowledge about fighting and be able to transfer that knowledge to other posters in a way they can use it.

[QUOTE=bigmike_ebw;2561369]I should for sake of future ventures point something out.

I am not American, I am English.

As such, I take nothing seriously, and find everything funny.

I do not share your values, politics, or culture.
There will be things lost in translation.
I will not care.

It will be hilarious.

But for now, as stated, Im going to keep the shitposting to a minimum, until a few of these facts are dealt with.[/QUOTE]
Oh sure, because you’re the first English poster we ever had on here. This is a totally new experience for us.

Shhhhh he wants to stroke his own ego. All those other posters were pretenders.

My ego, yes, erm, stroking my ego… Damn you’re sexy.

Anywho, Jnp , I was referring to some types of humor not transferring well. Some thing that are commonplace in the uk are considered bad taste in the U.S and vice versa.

Besides, we all know the real story behind this.

I have a raging hard on for It is Fake. I mean, a full on broner.

youre just a fuckass bro, deal with it

I know you fucktard. We all know. Thats the point.

ill rape you with a skillet

I’ll molest you with a griddle.

Egad! What has become of the Commonwealth?!?!

Fondle with a fryer.

I heard that someone people in England find The Mighty Boosh funny. So I think that what Big Mike is trying to say is that he’s a fucking retard.