You seem like an honest fella, and that’s pretty good for a one armed bloke, I gotta commend you on that.
But, if the grappler is half decent, you are gonna get taken to the ground.
People put in as much thought and effort, and styles themsleves have trialed, researched and developed, ways of overcoming those defences, probably more than you might be putting into them in many cases. That’s thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dedicated MAists, many quite gifted, all training to overcome takedown defences for decade after decade, generation after generation. Fine tuning and polishing it all the way.
That “tackle” is not an attack I’d personally use though, but that’s because I’m a judoka, and too many judoka learn that attack and not only know how to counter it, but most find it quite a weak one to be attacking with, though it has its place. Might be a gi thing or lack of striking also, I’d concede to that.
Many people brainlessly criticised boxing for years. That was an act of pure ignorance and self delusion. Boxers are specialists, and you would be a fool to take on a specialist at their game. Well, there are takedown specialists out there, and you want to play on thier home ground.
As much as you may love your art, and you have every right to do so, the claim that you can’t be taken down is an insult to those who put a great deal of time, effort, learning and development into it. You might not mean to, but it comes across that way. It’s like if I told you I could take out any CMAist on the planet, or that no-one could get a punch in on me.
Mind you, if you prove everyone wrong, you’ll turn the world of MAs on its head.