Troll Techniques: a guide

We get a great many trolls here. What we’re looking for is a series of rants, regarding the art of Trolling.

Obviously, getting all meta, and trolling this thread is expected, but ideally, breaking down the subtle tells, or giveaways would at some point, kick in.

Quotes for examples are double plus good.

Picture this as a future resource, or alternately a way to kill time at w0rk.

I won’t even start, you fookin do it, because fook u, do it…and happy new y3ar…simple idiots :]

First the source is “Wiki” i think i stated that.
Second , yes i think the definition they provided (which i don’t oppose) is too broad.
If any one writing/commenting with the purpose of provoking a response is a troll, than we are all trolls. And as such it is too broad.
Also, what is the difference between a drama whore as yourself and a troll?
I nearly suggested that this thread is a good place to try and sharpen our own definition of a troll (for the purpose of BS).

Re: Troll Techniques: a guide

[QUOTE=erezb;2751520]First the source is “Wiki” i think i stated that.[/quote]

You did. I didn’t care to check as we are talking about the definition of a troll and not something serious.

Second , yes i think the definition they provided (which i don’t oppose) is too broad.
If any one writing/commenting with the purpose of provoking a response is a troll, than we are all trolls. And as such it is too broad.

That’s not the definition your source gave.

Also, what is the difference between a drama whore as myself and a troll?

I’m not sure.

I nearly suggested that this thread is a good place to try and sharpen our own definition of a troll (for the purpose of BS).

I know…

I always just kind of figured that most trolls saw other people discussing something and realized that it’d be pretty funny to try and screw up the conversation. Obviously these people would have too much time on their hands. But I’ll admit that two years ago, after being pestered by a lot of people to get on Facebook, I just set up two fake accounts, used both accounts to talk back and forth while I jacked up my Friends list full of strangers and people that I actually went to school with back in the day. Then, I proceeded to use those accounts to get people either angry, laughing, or depressed.
It was a mildly entertaining couple of days, but screwing around ate up so much of my time that I didn’t get anything WORTHWHILE done during the few days I was harassing people.
Maybe we should have a Troll Recognition Day where we acknowledge the hard work and sacrifice that these nuisances put in in order to work their chosen craft?

This is a good example of the “quote to straw man” troll.
And by good example i mean an example, iif is doing it much better than you.

I think that we should divide it to subdivisions:
Like: comic troll (someone trolling because he is just trying to be funny)
Sarcastic troll (someone trolling to make others look ridiculous)

Re: Troll Techniques: a guide

[QUOTE=erezb;2751525]This is a good example of the “quote to straw man” troll.
And by good example i mean an example, iif is doing it much better than you.[/QUOTE]

You’re right.

Who was I to argue English with a learned professor such as yourself??

[QUOTE=itwasntme;2751526]You’re right.

Who was I to argue English with a learned professor such as yourself??[/QUOTE]

Sarcasm as Ad hominem. The funny thing is that i am an English teacher.

Re: Troll Techniques: a guide

[QUOTE=erezb;2751527]Sarcasm as Ad hominem.[/quote]

I’m sure everyone is appreciative to you for pointing that out to them.

The funny thing is that i am an English teacher.

Funny? No. Try depressing.

Let’s try and stay on topic of this thread, it isn’t nice to shit a thread.
If you have your own idea of what is a troll, voice it.
We can e dance someplace else.

Re: Troll Techniques: a guide

[QUOTE=erezb;2751533]Let’s try and stay on topic of this thread, it isn’t nice to shit a thread.
If you have your own idea of what is a troll, voice it.
We can e dance someplace else.[/QUOTE]

Now I see why nobody likes America or Americans. They have people like you teaching English so they don’t understand a fucking word coming out of our mouths.

Also, what is the difference between a drama whore as yourself and a troll? [/QUOTE]

I think a difference is whether you are sincere. If I start a sport/street thread here and take the “street” side, I’m trolling, because I don’t believe in that crap. If I start a sport/street thread on MAP and take the “sport” side, I’m not trolling since I’m being sincere.

Of course I could take the “street” side on MAP to establish a persona for the purposes of playing a longer troll game, but I’m not sure myself if insincerely espousing a popular opinion is trolling or just going along to get along.

(I’m talking completely out my ass here. I’ve never really put much thought into trolls other than having the experience to know one when I see one.)

[QUOTE=itwasntme;2751517]They give a definition, some history, and an example and that makes you feel the meaning of the word “troll”, according to whatever source you used, is very broad?

You read (English) worse than I do.[/QUOTE]

Dumbass. Pay attention.

There is no trolling, or not trolling.

You must become troll.


Thread full of irony.

LOL. Erezb claims to teach English and promptly fucked up the Straw man Logical Fallacy. Twice? Wow.

Bullshido trolls, and MA troll flags.

Sock puppet acounts, switcheroo (this is now his sister lol), resume-appeals to authority, mommaspeak (tsk tsk, or Mr Smart lol), ALL CAPS OVERKILL, the wall of text obfuscation, site dismissal (failmore calling BS a troll site lol), stuff like that.

In the paraphrased words of Question…
"wat do muthafuggers be doing to avoid fuggin scrutiny n’ sheet, fom muthafuggers who don’t buy their muthafuggin boolsheet?

payak over in sherdog, now banned from sherdog was the greatest troll in the history of the internet.
he managed to get a proffessional fighter tag from sherdog, he posted thousands of times for 4 solid years.
convinced hundreds he was a half thai muay thai fighter who was dropped in a camp at birth by his bar girl mum and raised by the boxing camp.
payak had amateur and pro fighters sending videos asking how to improve their technique, hundreds of private messages.
payak actually developed a bit of a fan base.
he was an Aussie just taking the piss, he has fought a few times, and trained his whole life, but he was laughing at their ignorence.

4 damn years, hundreds of nuthuggers sending pm’s, thousand of posts, best of all, a proffesional fighters tag, mmmwwwaaaaaa hhhhhhaaa hhaaaa hhaas

the king of trolls.

the king of trolls.[/QUOTE]

In the land of the blind.

That’s Sherdog for you.

was fun why it lasted, oops i meant to see i bet he had fun whilst it lasted.

ha ha.

[QUOTE=babababo;2752259]was fun why it lasted, oops i meant to see i bet he had fun whilst it lasted.

ha ha.[/QUOTE]

A worthless fun, time spent poorly, energy wasted and lost forever.

When he meets the grave he’ll wish he had those years back.

So will you.